Chapter 40: Family Heritage

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Rose felt her heart sink, how was she going to tell her grandmother what she saw couldn't have been true. How was she going to lie this time? She looked at her grandmother, trying to tuck her wand away, trying to unglue her jaw to speak. She placed the sugar down and gulped, "Halmonee… Erm… Good morning-" 

"I knew you were a witch." Rose felt her breath freeze before she whipped around, "What?" Her grandmother looked proud and ready to cry. She walked to her and grabbed her hands, "The moment you were born, I knew there was something about you." Rose looked confused as she whispered, "What are you saying? Halmonee? Why are you crying?" Tears fell down her grandmother's face as she squeezed her hands, "I knew it would be you. After breakfast, we have somewhere to go. You and I." Rose wanted to speak, but her grandmother dropped her hands and dried her face, as her father came in. Soon people slowly started to filter in, cousins prepping for school, trips, or even shopping. Uncles and Aunts prepping for work, her mother and father headed to their first meeting place for their 28th anniversary. Rose was quiet as she wandered to her room to put on her clothes for the day, soon it was just her and her grandmother. Rose went to speak but her grandmother handed her a green robe, "Here, wear this." Rose looked at the long green robe, it looked very old but meticulously cared for. Inside one of the massive pockets was a key, she reached to grab it but her grandmother waved her hand, "Not yet. Come on, we have somewhere to be." 

"Halmonee-Where are we going?" Rose walked down a small alley between the houses of the neighborhood. Hee grandmother leading the way to a small door, "Take out your wand, and tap the window." Rose looked confused before she pulled out her wand, tapping the window. The window illuminated with Korean Hangul, showing: "마녀 (Witch)." Rose looked shocked before the door unlocked, causing her grandmother to open the door. Rose was amazed as she saw a massive village, there were large modern sort of buildings closest to the door, while the farther down it went it became more and more traditional. Rose stared at the shops with her mouth agape, her grandmother was leading her down the long walk way of the village. Rose saw cafes, wand shops, apothecaries, bright warm potions stores, cozy pet stores, she even saw a massive book store with two floors. Rose heard her grandmother speak, "This section is rather new, the door was installed around 34 years ago at least. Many younger witches and wizards don't know about apparition yet." Rose was utterly confused, "Apparition? Halmonee how do you know all of this? Why-" Her grandmother began walking her past the more traditional end, there was a massive home at the end, "We're almost there. Then I'll tell you." Rose saw small to large hanoks, getting bigger and older down the path. Rose followed down the smaller and smaller path until they stopped at the large old spooky hanok. The gate was large and impressive, and in the front the hangul for Yang (양). Before Rose could say a word the large gate opened, as her grandmother walked inside, "Halmonee! This is someone's home, maybe?" Her grandmother only smiled, "Come on." Rose raced after her grandmother apologing under her breath, following her grandmother to the large doorway. Rose looked at the beautiful simplistic door, "Halmonee…" Her grandmother motioned to a key hole, "Use the key." Rose slowly pulled out the key from the robe pocket, the key was small and rusty, but intricate in engravings, a dragon could be seen along with a 'Y' soon Rose unlocked the door. The key began to get warm in her hand, she jerked away seeing the rust falling off. Her grandmother just stood there smiling, the door opened as Rose removed her shoes leaving them outside, before entering the home. The entrance was simple, with a large sliding door shielding the rest of the home. Rose only glanced at her nodding grandmother whose eyes showed with tears before entering the home. Before her eyes beautiful intricate details in old and dusty wooden furniture began to appear and shine. The floors were dusty and the home seemed deserted for years, until it started to change before her. The home began to clean itself somehow, the floors became swept and polished, the walls removed of spiderwebs and dusted. Rose slowly walked farther into the home, the large doors on either side of the room opened, a cool summer breeze began to blow through the house. Rose walked towards beautiful paintings, the sight of a garden outside blooming as she turned around confused but thrilled and a massive smile on her face. 

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