Chapter 39: Untold Secrets

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If there was one thing about being in Korea that Rose loved, it was being able to show her mother and father the spells she learned at Hogwarts. Rose had been in Seoul for almost a month, and already she showed tons of spells and charms. Whenever the rest of her family went to sleep, Rose would perform the spells she knew. She would practice the spells in her homework outside, in case it went wrong. Rose loved being back in Korea. As a matter of fact, her great grandmother was often giving her a ton of attention.

"Eunji, please pass me the rice." Rose handed the bowl of rice everyone shared for breakfast, the large family gathered around the table. Her cousin talked about the latest shopping trip in Seoul. Rose had joined her in the three shopping malls they went to. Rose had even met her cousin's boyfriend, whom her uncle can't stand. Rose was different from the years prior, she was 13, a teenager now. Her emotions had evolved, and her and her Cousin giggled about boys the whole trip. Her family spoke about her aging recently, Rose tucked her long hair behind her ear. Her aunts spoke about the excitement of maturing, about boys, and even funny stories of their husbands. Her uncles would complain about boys her age, about how silly they were. Her father told her to avoid boys at all cost, while her mom just slapped his arm telling her to ignore him. Rose loved being home, and she was more relieved than ever. Though her parents were worried about her, she had a rare time of nightmares when she first came home.

"Well, I'm headed to bed. We'll talk tomorrow about proper care for your hair, Eunji." Rose smiled as she nodded to her family, her aunts, Uncles and even her parents leaving the room. Her great grandmother left last as she sat down and stared at the pile of dishes. She thought about how she missed her friends, who had written to her once throughout the summer. She checked to make sure everyone had left the room before pulling out her wand. She smiled softly as she swished and flicked, "Wingardium leviosa." The plates and bowls floated to the sink slowly making little clink noises as they landed on each other. She smiled as she pointed to the faucet and turned it on allowing the sink to be filled. She grabbed a rag and some cleaner from under the sink cabinets before she began to clean the table. Rose loved magic, but she also enjoyed the muggle way of life. She pointed her wand at the sink with a simple, "Finete." The water turned off as the plates sat in the water soaking, once she scrubbed the table the cleaning began. Rose placed the rag in a hamper under the counter while the spray was placed away, and she turned to the sink. She began to clean the dishes, taking them and washing them individually and drying them by hand. She stacked them on the counter before she drained the sink.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Rose watches as the dishes flew into the cupboards as she walked away to dry the counters and clean the kitchen. Rose was quiet as she adjusted her hold on a rag before she heard footsteps, she looked to the dishes seeing one more floating. She heard the door starting to open before she hid her wand grabbing the dish in the air. Her mother entered the room causing her to sigh loudly in relief, "Omma! You scared me half to death." Rose placed the dish into the cupboard, her mother complementing the clean kitchen. She looked at Rose who smiled at her, "How are you doing sweetie? Any more nightmares?" Rose sighed as she put away some towels, "I'm fine Omma, really." Rose lied though, she hated worrying her family. Rose had a nightmare at least once a week. The cold cruel laugh of a handsome brown haired man, his name was Tom Riddle, echoing in the hall with her scream. Large yellow eyes pierce her vision with massive fangs before her dream goes black.

Rose would awake with a scream at first, alerting her parents to her nightmare. After a week at home she quickly stopped screaming, just quietly sitting by herself at night, haunted by those eyes, and that laugh. She couldn't burden her parents with that, not again. Rose smiled at her mother, the lies had begun to flow rather smoothly, much to her dismay. Her mother smiled to her little witch, "Okay my little Rose. I'll be going to bed. Rest well tonight." Rose smiled as she nodded, watching her mother leave the room before she sighed. The guilt started to creep in again, she hated lying. She looked to where her mother was standing before she looked away, Not again. I don't want them to go through it again. Rose walked to her room sitting down to write down some simple facts about witch burning and how it was utterly pointless. She found it rather funny about the tickling charm on the flames, but she doubted she would want to act dead and be tortured. Rose sighed as she finished her essay, placing the scroll of parchment inside her bag before a loud Pop sounded. Rose jumped before she saw the familiar large ears and brilliant green eyes, "Dobby!" Rose leaped towards the sweet houself and embraced him in a warm hug. Dobby had a brilliant smile with mismatching socks and a little hat she had bestowed to him. Dobby smiled as he greeted her with a massive amount of enthusiasm, "Hello Ms. Rose!" Rose smiled brightly as she sat down in front of Dobby, "What are you doing here Dobby?"

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