Chapter 47: Diagon Alley with Friends

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"Mornin…" Cedric had walked down with a large yawn. Mrs. Diggory laughed gently as Rose smiled, "Ced, you got some mail." Cedric nodded in a sleepy stupor before opening some letters and eating a biscuit. He muttered something about quidditch tactics and gaining courage as he put away each slowly. Mr. Diggory came down stairs excited and with a loud whoop, "Time for you two to go enjoy some time in Diagon! Ced, bring us that Quidditch trophy this year!" Cedric had a strained smile before he nodded, "Right Dad. I'm going to get dressed." Rose frowned as Cedric walked upstairs, "Excuse me." Rose looked concerned before she turned to Mr. Diggory, who now gave her the focus of his attention. He smiled at her brightly, "And you, keep up the excelent scores. You're bound to be head girl in your actions." Rose smiled brightly towards him, "Thank you Mr. Diggory." Merlin flew into the room, his massive black wings casting a shadow interrupting the conversation with a note in his beak. She thanked him before noticing it was a letter, apparently taken from an owl. She began to give plenty of love to her clingy owl, who was thoroughly enjoying every moment. Merlin hooted as he closed his eyes, she had began to rub under his beak when Cedric bounded down the stairs ready to go.

"Into the car kids, let's go." Rose smiled as she watched Cedric's mom and dad cast charms on their trunks. Rose called for Merlin, who flew over Cedric's head, who shouted in shock. Merlin hooted as he nuzzled in her arms, Rose laughing at Cedric who was laughing softly trying to pretend to be mad. They crossed the grass as their trunks were placed in the magically extended trunk, their brooms going in as well. Rose held Merlin in the car, excitedly talking to Cedric. Cedric listed all the things they needed to buy while Rose explained she needed to drop off some more money in her gringots vault. Cedric tilted his head as she said, "My parents deposit money into my account every year. Kinda like a nest egg." She smiled kinda embarrassed, "I'm the only child so they want to make sure I have a well off life. We just didn't expect for me to be… well you know." Cedric laughed softly as he put his hand on her shoulder, "Well, You spot me for when we go to Honey dukes." Rose smiled warmly, thankful that Cedric didn't care. Rose began to explain muggle money to Cedric who was fascinated, "What a weird shape." Cedric's mother smiled sweetly as she looked at the muggle city.

"We made it, Children." Rose was thrilled as they unloaded their trunks in front of a shabby looking inn. Rose was thrilled as she watched the muggles pass them, Cedric was helping his father get out the owl cages. Amos gifted her a warm handshake while his wife knelt and handed her a small package, "For being a young woman." Rose turned pink as Cedric made a gross face before they headed inside. Rose entered the cool inn, refreshed as wizards and witches walked around. Some were discussing their purchases, others were discussing puzzles and types of potions. Cedric was speaking to his parents as Rose checked in, a roar of fire from the fireplace near her scared her. Alice came walking out and dusting off as she squealed, "Rose!!" Rose was in shock, "H-How? Fire? What- Santa?" Alice started to laugh loudly as her parents alco came out after seeming to twirl around. They greeted her cheerfully as Alice explained, "It's called Floo powder. There is a network that connects wizard and witch chimneys, so we took the floo network." Rose groaned before Tom the innkeeper came back, "I have three rooms open Miss. But one is on a higher floor, is this alright?" Rose nodded, "Of course, I'll take the higher floor, Alice and Cedric can take the lower ones." Rose turned to Alice, "I can just come down and spend time in your room." I'm more used to walking a lot more than them, Rose thought as she wished Alice's parents farewell. She followed with Cedric and Alice to their rooms, Cedric yawning as Alice muttered about waking up early. Rose turned to them, "if you want we can all meet up around lunch time? I'm well rested and need to go to Gringotts anyway. Plus Merlin needs a checkup." Alice hugged her before saying they would all meet up after a nap, "Besides, Cedric could use a bit of beauty rest." Cedric shoved Alice in her room as Rose snickered, "Shut it git. See you soon."

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