Chapter One: The Zoo

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"Appa!" Rose had grown into a beautiful eleven year old girl, she had soft brown hair and brown eyes. She was just as sweet and kind as she was as a toddler. She was wearing a cute shirt her mother had given her for her birthday, it was checkered but in a pastel pink. And she wore jeans that had holes in the knees because she enjoyed playing and wrestling with her cousins. The girl had just finished unpacking from their recent trip to South Korea after visiting her family for her Great Grandmother's 105th birthday.

"Get ready dear, don't forget you're going to the zoo today with the Dursleys for Dudley's birthday." Rose looked towards her dad wanting to say she wanted nothing to do with the tantrum prone boy, but she nodded and smiled as her father walked her towards their neighbors. It was obvious that something was different, Rose could feel it, "Hello Rose, Mr. Parker." Vernon Dursley, Petunia's husband, had opened the door and greeted his best business partner. Rose's father smiled before he happily looked towards his girl, "Now, have fun at the zoo. You can buy yourself some treats with this, okay?" Rose smiled as her dad gave her some money, "Thanks Appa, love you!" Her dad waved before going to the house, he had to get ready, his wife's birthday was tomorrow.

"Come on in Rose." Rose was not a fan of Vernon Dursley, while she adored Petunia, even if some dresses she was given were terrible, Vernon was massive, and just made her uncomfortable. Dudley and his best friend Peirce were talking as he showed off his presents, and Petunia had been preoccupied with a different person. Rose had glimpses of the boy before, they went to the same school. Harry Potter, Dudley's cousin, and Petunia's nephew was a skinny boy, with bright green eyes and messy brown hair. Before she could even give a small wave Petunia had seen her, "Rose! Look how lovely you are!" Rose blushed at the compliments Petunia always gave her, "Thank you Mrs. Dursley." Petunia looked towards the jeans she had gifted the girl, "Looks like you had fun in Korea." Petunia had always disliked her rambunctious energy, it was not lady like, "Are you ready for the zoo?" Rose smiled and nodded, "Yes ma'am! I would like to see the lions!" Dudley looked surprised as he stated, "Why Lions?" Rose looked towards Dudley as she smiled, "They are just so brave and cool. I want to be like a lion, or maybe a badger!" Peirce gave a small laugh along with Mr. Dursley, "Badger suits you better. Cute and small." Rose enjoyed being called cute, but didn't like how Mr. Dursley said it. She decided to pick her battles and just smiled and said "Thank you." Petunia smiled and gently pinched her cheek before she walked to her husband, Rose looked towards Harry, who looked hopeful. She wanted to say hello, but she was quickly dragged away to the car and was on the way to the zoo. Mr. Dursley was complaining, something he loved to do, he complained about Harry, work, Harry, Politics, Harry, Teenagers, Harry, drivers, and Harry. Rose stayed quiet other than the discussion of dresses with Petunia, she was uncomfortable in the car.

"Here we are!" Rose was thankful to finally get out of the car, the trip itself was great. Rose was given an ice cream cone and she enjoyed the look of different flowers that bloomed, Petunia smiled towards Rose as she looked towards the beautiful red flowers. Dudley looked bored halfway through, Rose had made friends with the cashier at the food place after she asked for a sandwich and got some water. The cashmere had complimented her shirt, so she happily complemented her lip piercing. Dudley threw a tantrum because his Knickerbocker glory did not have enough ice cream on it, she gave Harry half of her sandwich, just before the tantrum. He looked really skinny and it worried her. Harry looked pleased upon finishing the sandwich and being allowed to finish the sweet treat. Rose finally got to see the lions, she watched the large lion that laid down on the big rock, the lionesses were watching her.

"All they do is lay down." Rose looked towards Dudley as she frowned at his bored attitude. She looked towards the lionesses, "They need to rest. Lions sleep more than they actually move." She smiled as one of the lionesses seemed to nod before she giggled, Dudley had been startled when the lions had all roared. Petunia gave a small smile gently patting her boy on the head before smiling towards Rose, "Looks like they like you Rose." Rose smiled brightly towards her, "Do you really think so?" Petunia nodded, they looked at badger, which went towards Rose easily before they went into a reptile house. It was cold and was a nice break from the heat however, when the whole group went to a large python, Rose was uneasy. She loved all animals, but even though the python was stunning, she knew it could kill if it wanted. Vernon hit the glass causing Rose to look upset, she moved away to give the snake some time to sleep. She watched a bearded lizard drink water before hearing Dudley shouting and Harry fall, "Are you okay?" Rose ran towards Harry, trying to help, but she froze suddenly, the snake was escaping through the suddenly missing glass. She screamed as it aproached Harry, alerting Mr. and Mrs. Dursley to the children. The snake had touched her leg as if trying to comfort her, but she screamed louder and started to cry.

The zoo director made Petunia a strong sweet tea to soothe her while Rose was wrapped in a blanket and given a lioness plush. Her eyes were puffy and she was shaking in fear, "I want to g-go home. Please!" They all went back in the car, Dudley was talking about how the snake nearly bit him, Pierce said it was going to squeeze him, Rose just thought about the cold scaly feeling along her ankle. Petunia brought back Rose into the kitchen, making some warm tea to try and soothe the poor girl. Her dad wouldn't be home for another hour, and her mom would be on call for two. Harry had disappeared the moment they came back, Dudley was talking with his dad, Mr. Dursley was complaining about Harry again, but quietly with a large brandy. Petunia gently gave Rose tea, trying to help her calm down, "It's alright Rose. You're safe dear." Rose looked towards Petunia, the lady treated her as if she was her own daughter. She hugged the skinny woman crying, "I-It touched my ankle." Petunia gently patted her back as Vernon Dursley heard the commotion and walked in. Dudley had gotten over it quickly, while Rose was still scared.

"What about those lions eh?" Vernon decided to try and change the subject, "They sure did surprise everyone with their roar. They quite like you." Rose sniffed before she gave a small smile, Petunia looked like she had fallen in love all over again with her husband. Rose hugged the toy, "T...They did?" Petunia smiled as she nodded playing along, "Oh yes! It was like they were happy you defended them." Rose had her smile again, she had been allowed to keep a blanket as an apology gift, and she had the new super soft lioness toy. Petunia smiled at her, happily walking to her closet to get something. Vernon did not like imagination, but he decided to try and cheer up Rose, "Plus did you see the badgers? They were following you all around the glass." Vernon did see them follow her, but he had only assumed she wore a bright color and caught their attention. Rose smiled again as she nodded before talking about how excited she had been when a baby one came to her. Petunia showed Rose a dress, another one she had most likely bought thinking of her. It was a hot pink dress, minus the color it was quite pretty, it was a sundress. She gave her the dress, and by the time her father had come she had played dress up for the hour. Vernon had to explain to her father what had happened, and the moment he had finished Mr. Park was at his daughter's side quickly speaking to her in their native language.

Rose had been taken home, with the dress, the blanket, the lioness, and the new fear of snakes. Their family had her favorite meal for dinner, kimchi with rice and sweet pancakes filled with a mixture of cinnamon, honey and brown sugar for dessert. Her mom told her it was okay to be scared, because she surely would've been scared too. She was tucked in but just before she fell asleep, she looked at the bright pink dress, it would look so much nicer if it was a pale green. She fell asleep for the night, as the dress turned green.

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