Chapter 8: Quidditch and Detention

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Hello everyone! Scarlet here! I wanted to thank everyone for the love and suport. Seeing your comments really mean a lot to me, even just to see you voted, thank you. So this one is for Fxtinbaevmin, for your sweet comment!

Updates may be a little slow because I'm nearing finals. So itxs been tough. But know I haven't forgotten any of you! I love and apreciate all of you, I'm so proud of all of you.



The morning seemed to move slow for Rose. Merlin had flown in offering a new present as well as a few letters. Rose was being cuddled by her large owl when Madam Pomfrey was walking over to check on her. She wagged a finger at Merlin as she made another animal disappear, "I've told you not to bring these here." Rose giggled as Merlin looked like a scolded child, he watched the two do their inspections before Madam Pomfrey nodded.

"You are perfectly healthy again. If you get any dizziness or feel sick, you come right back." Rose nodded before Madam Pomfrey looked towards Merlin, "Make sure she does." Merlin just oohed again before the two smiled, Rose was helped to change as she looked all too excited to leave. The moment Madam Pomfrey let her go she quickly left, being told to slow down as she fled the hospital wing. The moment she got out of the room Alice and Cedric was there, "Rose!" Rose smiled brightly as she hugged Alice who was grinning ear to ear. Cedric hugged her back before they walked towards Lunch. Rose was being caught up on everything that happened in the school, from gossip in the halls to the latest prank the twins did, Alice knew everything. Rose was listening quite happily as she listened to Alice blabber on and on. Cedric would pipe in a bit when Alice stated stuff about quidditch, "Harry is the new seeker." Rose looked towards them as she stated, "Good for him." Alice looked towards her before she stated, "What happened Rose?" Rose shook her head as she opened a letter Merlin gave her, it was from her mother. Rose read about one paragraph before she sighed, "Omma is worried. I'll have to write her a letter tonight." Alice paused as she looked like she remembered something before a look of pity crossed her face. Rose looked at her confused, "Are you okay Alice?" Alice patted her shoulder, "you have detention with Snape today." Cedric had the same look, as if she was going to a funeral. Rose shrugged as she walked closer to the large doors, ignoring the looks she was getting, "It's okay. I deserve it." Rose opened the door, Hanna Abbot waved at her welcoming her back as a few other students greeted her. Rose smiled as she felt so much better being back out of the bed. 

Lunch was delicious, she had a hearty soup that warmed her chilled body. Her classes went well, Flitwick welcomed her back into his class before focusing on the spells again. Quirrel asked her if she needed any help, with many stutters that made Alice grit her teeth. McGonagal had tested her on some spells she had to learn herself, gaining 4 points on her perfect casting. McGonagal had asked her after class how she was feeling. The moment it was 5 Rose walked down towards the Potion classroom, the hall was freezing the lower down she went. Upon entering the class she saw Snape sitting at a cauldron, "Come sit down." Rose walked over and sat down next to him, Snape's leg seemed better as he didn't prop it up. Snape's voice broke the silence, "I need to make Pepperup potion for Madam Pomfrey. So I have decided this should be a learning experience, you will help me, and afterwards I will test you on your own. If you complete it satisfactorily, You will be able to leave. If not, you will stay until you do." Rose nodded her head as Snape pointed to the ingredients, she only recognized a few ingredients, powdered bicorn horn and some peppermint leaves. Snape casted a charm, filling the cauldron with water from the tip of his wand. He then lit the fire on a low simmer, "When creating a good potion. You must look at the ingredients, if they look good then the potion will be. However, it is best to have fresh ingredients." Rose watched as Snape seemed to be in his element, the fire of the cauldron warmed her greatly. He was pointing out how the peppermint leaves were fresh but the bicorn horn often was not. 

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