Chapter 43: The Best of Friends

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"CEDRIC!" Rose tackled Cedric with a loud laugh, Cedric eager to returned the favor. The two were extremely close, this would be her second time staying some of the summer at Cedric's house. His stunning mother was speaking with Rose's mom who had been preparing lunch for the company. Cedric's father greeted her with a hearty clap on the back and a smile, "If it isn't my favorite chaser!" Rose beamed as she greeted him back, "And my favorite Amos!" Amos laughed loudly as he introduced himself to her Father, "Amos Diggory. Pleasure to meet you!"

"Rose, Wanna help move the trunks to the car?" Rose laughed as she nodded, helping Cedric lift the large trunk and suitcase, both carrying the trunk outside. Cedric laughed, "Have you been keeping up with your workout regimine?" Rose rolled her eyes, "Obviously, I'm carrying this trunk mostly myself." Cedric raised an eyebrow, almost letting go of the trunk causing Rose to squeal, "Don't you dare!" Cedric laughed as Rose shoved him farther to the car, both loading the trunk inside. Rose heard the door open from number 4 as she was walking with Cedric, "Rose?" Rose turned her head before whispering to Cedric, "Play it cool. Act like a muggle." Rose smiled towards Petunia and Vernon Dursley, "Auntie! Mr. Dursley! Let me introduce you to my best friend, Cedric Diggory." Petunia looked surprised as Rose smiled while Diggory shook her hand and greeted them, "I thought you were staying with your best friend?" Rose smiled at her nodding, "Of course I am. Cedric and I have known each other for almost 2 years now." Vernon observed Cedric before nodding, "Well, do take care of Rose." Cedric looked towards Vernon's new company car, "My what a wonderful vehicle." Vernon swelled with pride as he seemed happy to brag all about it. Meanwhile Rose looked to the window, she saw Harry looking ever slightly before ducking back in, "Kids, come back in!" Rose smiled as she excused herself and Cedric, "Sorry Mr. Dursley, but we need to go." Vernon smiled and waved goodbye as Cedric followed Rose, "Take care, you two!" Cedric muttered under his breath as they entered the house, "They were so boring. How can you stand them?" Rose shook her head as she smiled, "I grew up with them, for the most part."

"Still-" Rose smiled as she was called to set the table, rushing and sitting with everyone. Her mother and Cedric's mom were getting along very well, "Mrs. Diggory, you are so wonderful! I never knew about that!" Rose smiled as her mother listened to the tips about getting out grass stains. Meanwhile both her father and Amos were learning more and more about the other world from each other. Her father had just explained why cars were so important and was starting on Airplanes, "You see, you can't just teleport-'' Amos laughed as he shook his head, "Well it's called Apparition. Witches and Wizards take the test when they are in 5-6th year." Her father looked fascinated as he listed, "Really? You've got to be kidding." Rose and Cedric laughed with each other as they spoke about their trips and adventures, "And then she slipped in front of this guy she liked. It was kinda funny but I felt bad for her." Cedric spoke about gnomes trying to take the garden, "Nasty little things. Not the ones I saw on the way here." Soon bellies were full and Rose was enveloping her parents in a hug, "You stay safe my dear. We'll see you on christmas."

"I love you Omma, Appa." She piled in the car with Cedric who began to pepper her with questions. Rose laughed as she would explain small things like fire hydrants and hoses. She even explained the bobbies on the sidewalk a few times before drifting off to sleep. Her head drooped as she tried to watch the way to Cedric's house. Cedric snickered as her head slowly fell to his shoulder, which he adjusted for her to be comfortable. His parents smiled as Rose rested, muttering sometimes about unicorns and dragons. Cedric snorted as he shook his head before it was time to wake up the sleeping Rose.

"Rose, get up." Rose yawned before slowly sitting up to see the beautiful cottage. The house looked the exact same as she left it, cozy stone walls with soft green ivy slowly trailing up. Rose smiled as Cedric's father levitated the trunk and sent it to the guest room. Rose smiled as she grabbed her quidditch broom, "Race you to the pitch!" Cedric complained as she hopped on and zoomed to the back yard, "Unfair-And she's gone. Can you believe her?" His father laughed, clapping him on the back, "She's just like you were my boy! Certainly part of the family!" Cedric laughed as he nodded, "You'd think she was my sister. I better go handle her." Amos smiled warmly at Cedric's retreating figure as his beautiful wife held his arm, "Like the daughter we wanted. Huh dear?" She smiled and kissed his cheek, "She is at this point. Come honey, let's have some quiet time before Cedric decides to be a unicorn again." Her husband laughed as he followed her, "Of course dear." They heard the two friend's laughter echoing throughout the land around the house.


"Cedric!" Rose shouted as a ball was launched at his head, causing him to duck and shout at her. Rose began to laugh loudly, "Why are you aiming for my head?!" Cedric looked shocked and started to laugh in surprise as she smiled, "Honestly Rose." Rose smiled brightly as she landed on the ground, "It's okay. I just needed to see if you were able to dodge." Cedric frowned and threw a quaffle at her, causing her to be bumped in the head.

"Ow?!" Cedric smirked, "Looks like you need to work on your dodging-'' Cedric started running as Rose chased him, the brooms left on the ground. Cedric shouted loudly as Rose jumped over a rock, "MUMM!!" Rose yelled back at him as Mrs. and Mr. Diggory came out looking pleased but confused, "Calling for Mum means nothing Cedric! When I get my hands on you I'll show you what muggle Americans call football!" Amos laughed loudly as he looked to his wife, "I believe we should intervene dear." Mrs. Diggory giggled as she clapped her hands, "That's enough now children. Cedric, your Hogwarts letter has arrived." Cedric smiled as Rose froze and then ran towards the house, "Race you Cedric!" Cedric laughed loudly as he rushed next to her, the family plus Rose all entered the living area, where Cedric's letter sat on the coffee table. Cedric was in his second to last year, and Rose plopped on the couch. Cedric opened the letter and just began to read quietly, Rose smiled towards Cedric as he sat down in a chair near her. Rose looked at the parents who smiled at her sweetly, Rose couldn't help but admit, she felt most at ease at the Diggory's home. Cedric suddenly shot up shocked, "We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to serve as a Prefect for Hufflepuff." Cedric looked astounded as Rose smiled brightly, Cedric's parents were overjoyed. Amos clapped his son on the back in a grat bear hug and a massive proud smile, "My boy!" Cedric laughed loudly as he looked to his mother who had tears of joy running down her face, "My little Cedric." Rose watched the family moment rather quietly with a smile on her face, and yet her heart twinged, "Get in here Rose." Rose blinked as she looked surprised, "Me?" Cedric pulled her into the large family hug causing her to smile and feel the twinge subside. Cedric smiled before he stated, "Quidditch Captain and a Prefect." Rose smirked, "Didn't you say 'Prefect stood for Prat'?" Cedric laughed as Rose complained as he ruffled her hair, "Now all we need is you to be a prefect too!" Rose laughed as Amos smiled at her, "It would complete the family." Rose smiled as she gave him a hug before motioning to Cedric, "I wanna tell you something Cedric." Cedric smiled as he followed her while his mom shouted, "I'll be baking a surprise for dessert! This is the grounds of celebration."

"What's up?" Rose gave him a massive hug, "I'm super proud of you Ced! You worked so hard for this." Cedric blushed as he mumbled, "It's nothing… What did you want to tell me?" Rose sat down on her bed, the guest room had pretty much become her room. Rose didn't know where to start, her grandmother, family history, or, "I'm the heiress of a wizarding village." Rose blinked as she stated it aloud but she felt a sense of pressure fall off her shoulders. Cedric looked confused, "Did I hit you too hard with the Quaffle?" Rose shook her head before she realized she needed to start over, "I'm the last descendant of the Yang family in Asia. I'm from a pureblood family." Cedric sat down as Rose began to stumble and trip over her words as she explained everything that happened over the summer, "Well it started with me levitating the sugar."

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