Chapter 41: Summer at Privet Drive

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It had been a few days since Rose came home to her bed at number 3 Privet Drive. Merlin had flown home a few days later and was rather pleasantly sleeping right next to her in his large cage. Rose's father had made the cage personalized by removing the door so Merlin could fly in and out. Rose walked to her back yard with a small pile of letters, her friends had sent them to her house. Rose looked rather happy, holding thick envelopes. Rose saw her friend's handwriting and felt her smile widen as she walked outside to the front. Her father and mother kissed her cheek wishing her well as they both went to work. Rose bid them farewell before walking back in the house.

Dear Rose,

Germany is wonderful! Father has been talking all about the history of villages, apparently some families found villages. How interesting! It makes me think of the four founders of Hogwarts. I can't wait to see you again, we are going to have so much fun.

Missing you loads,

Alice Charmingale

Rose laughed as she thought back to her new found knowledge. Even though Rose did not know as much about her heritage she still couldn't wait to tell her friends. Alice was a bubbly blonde, with a love for gossip and lately boys. Rose set down her first letter before seeing her other best friend, Cedric Diggory. He was a 5th year in Hogwarts, and a shoe in to become the Hufflepuff quidditch captain, Cedric was the most popular boy appart from Harry in Hogwarts. Rose paused in her thoughts as she realized, Usually I see Harry doing gardening. Rose turned towards the house before setting down the mail, she began walking to the Dursleys before she could stop herself. She knocked on the door before realizing what she did. What am I supposed to say? They would be angry if I mentioned Harry right? But before Rose could leave the door opened. Petunia Dursley opened the door changing her confused look to an overjoyed expression. She wrapped Rose in a bear hug welcoming her into her home with no hesitation, "It's so wonderful to see you again Rose! We've missed you so much." Rose was about to greet her when Petunia paused in the kitchen. Rose saw a massive boy, with five chins, blonde hair, and their blue eyes were staring at a television. Petunia clapped her hands together cheerfully, "Duddleykins look who came to visit!" Rose watched as Duddley turned his head, tearing his eyes away from the television before setting them on her. He seemed to pause before blinking and muttering, "Y...Your hair looks nice." Rose looked confused as she cleared her throat, "Erm, You look… Older?" Rose was desperately trying to find a complement, but it seemed to please Petunia and Dudley.

"Well you two are lovely! Let me get the camera!" Rose grimace slightly as she watched Petunia leave, Why a camera? Dudley smiled to her, "What is your school like?" Rose turned before clearing her throat, "You see, it's all girls. Very focused and strict on studies." Rose disliked lying but she couldn't tell them, not when they treat Harry so coldly. Rose looked around, "Where is Harry by the way? Is he with your father?" Dudley shook his head as he seemed nervous, "He's in his room. Er, Dad went to the store for Mum." Rose nodded as she heard Petunia shout from the foyar, "HARRY! Come down here!" Rose tried to think of something to get Harry out of the house. Harry ran down the stairs rather angry and confused before he paused seeing Rose, "Oh, Hello Rose. Yes Aunt Petunia?" Petunia thrusted the camera in his arms, "Take our photo." Rose smiled awkwardly next to Dudley before she turned to Petunia, "Actually, Auntie." Petunia adored it when Rose called her auntie, "You see, Appa told me I need to clean the bathroom. But I just did my nails, plus Omma needs me to do the dishes. I was wondering… could you make Harry do it for me?" Petunia seemed thrilled at the idea of Rose caring about her appearance, "Of course! Harry, they better be sparkling! And behave!" Harry looked appalled as Rose smiled showing off her nails before pulling Harry out of the door.

"Why can't you do it-" Rose silenced him, "Shh, just follow me in the house." Rose opened the door letting Harry inside before shutting it and taking a breath. She turned to Harry, "Thank Godric I managed to have my nails done before I left Seoul." Harry looked annoyed trudging to the sink, "Fine… where is your-? There are no dishes." Rose smiled at him, "Exactly. I had to come up with an excuse so you could get out of the house. And I've already cleaned everything. I figured we could have you hangout for a few hours before you fake being tired." Harry smiled brightly and stuttered, "T-Thank you." Rose smiled as she listened to hooting, "Hang on, Merlin is awake. Merlin! Downstairs!" Merlin arrived startling Harry who dodged the large owl that landed on Rose's arm. The massive grey owl looked much larger than any owl, even Harry's own Snowy owl, Hedwig. Rose smiled happily, "Feeling better Merlin? Surely you remember Harry." Harry gave a rather nervous smile, of course, the last time Merlin had been this close he tried to bite his fingers. Merlin was 33 inches tall, the tallest breed of owl, he looked dark and foreboding, and compared to Rose, who was bright and cheerful, it was rather laughable. Rose kissed Merlin's head as she told Harry, "He's been resting for a few days. He didn't want to be in his cage." Rose had smiled at Harry before Merlin nuzzled his beak against her cheek, "Oh Merlin. If you would like something to drink or eat Harry, the fridge is always open to you." Rose placed Merlin on a stool and walked to the fridge, "Harry? Why are you looking at me like that?" Rose looked at Harry rather confused, unlike Dudley's look, which was odd and kinda creepy, Harry appeared amazed as well as touched. Rose smiled at him, "Harry, you want some apple juice? Maybe some mellon pops?"

Harry smiled and nodded, "Sure, tell me all about your family. How was your trip?" Rose smiled brightly and began discussing all about Korea. She gave him a melon pop as Harry sat down in the comfortable chairs of the living room, "And my cousin has a new boyfriend, my uncle hates him. But we had a girls day at the mall-'' Rose was overjoyed to talk to Harry, someone, about her time in Korea. The Dursleys didn't exactly care about abroad but Harry seemed excited, eagerly asking questions. Soon Rose had finished explaining all the non magic side of her family, and was about to start discussing the new information when she saw the clock. "Oh! We need to get you back- sorry Harry." Harry looked upset at the idea and Rose felt horrible, "I wish I could say we can do this again… but I'm spending the rest of the summer out of the house." Rose and Harry sighed before Rose smiled and sprayed him with a small bottle of water, "So it looks like you were soaked by dishes!" Harry smiled before Rose walked to the house next door, Petunia opening the door. Rose smiled, "Thank you so much Auntie! Thanks to you my nails are perfectly okay. The dishes look great, you taught him well." Petunia looked pleased as she allowed Harry inside and spoke with Rose. She was smiling, "I'm so glad you came! You know how important impressions are. What are your plans now that you're home?" Rose smiled brightly, "You see, I'm going to my best friend's house later this week. They're picking me up on Friday." Petunia smiled as she pinched her cheek, "Wonderful! We are having Dudley's aunt coming over Wednesday if you would like to say hello. I'm sure Marge would be excited to see you."

"Oh of course! Well I better go before Dad gets home. Take care Auntie!" Rose left as she felt dread in her chest. If there was one person Rose did not like, it was Marge. She was Vernon's sister, a fat woman who owned 12 dogs. Rose had gotten into an argument with her last time over her heritage and treatment of her parents. That was before she found out she was a witch. Rose knew there was no way her parents would greet Marge, but Rose had already made the mistake of agreeing. She took a breath and thought about what her grandmother said, "You know you should not let your anger take over. I'm very disappointed. You'll represent this family now, you can't embarrass the family." Rose walked to her room as Merlin followed, "She's right Merlin. I need to keep my cool." Rose walked to the room before she relaxed with Merlin, she already finished all of her summer work so she was rather bored.


Hello everyone! It's my birthday today so I wanted to post this chapter for you guys!!! Stay safe!

Prefect SR

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