Chapter 14: Diagon Alley and Weasleys

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"Rose!" Rose turned her head smiling brightly as she hugged Alice. They were standing outside the Leaky Cauldron, which looked like an old rundown building. However the girls knew behind this old creepy building, there was a small back lot and by tapping certain bricks, revealed the wondrous wizarding place. Diagon Alley. Which the duo ran into straight to Grengots to exchange and make deposits before they stood in the middle. 

"Where to first, Rose?" Alice was holding her hand as they looked around at the multiple shops. From magical pets, potion ingredients, parchment, wands, books and to the store she was slowly walking to, Quidditch Supplies. Alice smirked as she sang aloud, "Whatever are you doing?" Rose was very brief as she stated, "Only looking at things." She strolled into the large quidditch store, many fellow students waving before looking at the usual Nimbus 2000. Rose paused looking at some protective gloves looking at the texture, "I thought you weren't going to try out?" Rose paused as she held the gloves, "I was looking at the gloves is all. I could use some protection during Potions." Alice smiled as she called her out, "You and I both know gloves could mess with a potion." Rose paused before she lightly scoffed, "Look at you learning things from our tutoring." Alice laughed before she sighed, "Just say it." Rose glanced at her holding the gloves, "What?" Alice put her arm around her, "You like Quidditch. It's okay you know, I know you are worried about your girly image." Rose looked towards her, sighing softly, "I just don't want to be seen as a fool-'' Alice interrupted, "Rose, you are a brilliant player, just give it a shot. You'll be on the team in a heartbeat. I know it." Rose smiled before she clutched the gloves to her chest, "I'll get a broom if I'm accepted on the team okay? But you need to promise to cheer me on." Alice laughed as she hugged her, "Deal!" 

"Let's go get your owl now." Rose had finished purchasing her own pair of quidditch gloves. The rest of the afternoon was perfect to her, with Alice by her side the girls ran around gawking at beautiful dress robes, to eating ice cream. All too soon they had to part, Alice telling her she'll see her on the train. Rose had a small bag, her new gloves, some fresh dragonhide gloves for herbology, and a new book The Beatle and the Bard. Once Rose flopped onto the bed of her home she dozed off to sleep, but what felt like a millisecond later there was a massive Bang. Rose popped up from her bed as Merlin stood before her, his feathers puffed out making himself look bigger, facing her window Rose cautiously opened it before Merlin started, Rose thought she was dreaming. A ford angula was flying, just outside of Harry Potter's window-"Harry." She heard a loud crash again before she saw Harry jump into the car yelling, "See you next Summer!" Roars of laughter sounded throughout the night before Rose snatched her robe, worried about the Dursleys. In her head swarmed thoughts, "I can't believe this. He's broken so many rules! What's gotten into him?" She raced out the door and straight to the Dursleys, knocking loudly. A disheveled Vernon opened the door looking shocked to see Rose, "What are you doing awake?" Rose looked concerned, "I heard loud noises and was worried about you. Is everyone alright? Ms. Dursley and Dudley?" She watched Vernon turn bright red, into a pale pink before Petunia gently brought her inside. She made everyone a strong tea, as Rose sipped the tea the family seemed to become better slowly. They started to smile softly until they saw Rose, then their faces grew worried once again. "Did… Did you see anything?" Rose gently shook her head, lying through her teeth, feeling dirty, "No, I only heard yelling is all. I was just worried." Rose had a soft conversation with the family, explaining her trips to Cedric's house, excluding all the magic, and the Dursleys were all too pleased to hear about it. It was about 4 when Rose bid them goodnight and strolled back to her house, locking the door and going back to bed, Merlin slept closer to her this time guarding her. 

Later on:

"Mum, I'll be meeting Cedric's parents at the Leaky Cauldron once I finish shopping. Then we'll go back to their house. I'll be boarding the train with them this year right?" Rose was packing a large trunk with her wand, scarf, and a few other random items before a school owl flew in with a letter. Her mom had grown used to owls entering her home but this time she smiled, "Looks like Hogwarts knew you were going to do some shopping." Rose laughed before she opened her letter, "Perhaps." 

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