Chapter 30: Christmas in the Muggle World

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"Eunji!" Rose was tackled the moment she got off her plane, her cousins were piling on her as she laughed loudly. She was pleasantly surprised that her family appeared before them waiting to pick them up. The children were laughing as Rose tried to stand, but one simple clap and most kids leaped up. Rose looked towards her beloved great-grandmother, and enveloped her in a hug, "Halmonee, I've missed you so much." Rose smiled brightly as she laughed and felt the tight hug in return. 

"It's good to have you back." Rose smiled as her cousins raced to grab her bag from the baggage claim, "It's good to be back. Tell me all about this year, Halmonee." So, while she walked towards the large black cars her family was picked up in, her grandmother explained all about the news. She learned one of her cousins recently started dating, and her Aunt had begun to see boyfriend number two again. She learned about her uncle disapproving of her cousin's date, "Though this boy is just like he was when he was young." Rose giggled with her great grandmother, who was just as lively as last christmas. Her grandmother pinched her cheek gently as she commented on her height, "You're a few centimeters taller now! You're becoming such a beautiful lady. Dearest Rose." Rose smiled gently as she took hold of her hand, "I gained this beauty from you, Halmonee." The car stopped before her family's home, as Rose climbed out towards the massive gates. Her cousins rushed inside as Rose helped her great grandmother up the steps. It had grown late into the night, dinner was prepared for the family. Rose happily dined on the delicious dishes before her, her cousins talked about their school year, and her aunts and cousins were laughing about boys and other things. Her great grandmother was sitting next to her and asked Rose about her friends, "Have you made new ones?" Rose looked towards her before smiling softly, trying to not show she was lying, "Of course. I made two friends named Justin and Colin. They are both really nice." Her great grandmother smiled brightly, "Really? How is Cedric and Alice? And that Draco fellow, you had high praise for him." Rose began talking about Cedric and Alice, spinning their tales of arguments and funny jokes, she spoke about spending time with Neville and then she felt her words caught in her throat, "Draco…" Her mom cleared her throat before turning towards her Grandmother, "She also has been taking a lot of lessons, correct. Please tell Rose about your new water exercise I heard about." 

"Oh! Well I saw it in that american movie-" Rose began to swallow as she thought about Draco, her food beginning to look unappetizing. However she began to hear her aunt and uncle talk about how they've been, "She's driving us crazy. We love you grandmother, but honestly, going to the pool every other day." Rose giggled as her Great grandmother questioned their lack of motivation as she stated, "I may be 106, but even I have more energy than you two!" Rose laughed as she lost her thoughts and watched her family excitedly talk. Finally the dinner ended, and many sleepy bodies turned in for bed. Rose had slipped off to sleep in her comfortable bed. 

Next Morning

Rose awoke before everyone else, taking some of the presents she received before leaving Hogwarts and placing them under the tree. Her family were silently sleeping as Rose stared outside, the windows had a small frost around them as the outside was a beautiful green and sunny. She entered the kitchen to prepare the usual coffee and tea her family drank. She was just setting down two mugs when a pop made her yelp and cover her mouth.

"Hello, Ms. Rose." Rose placed a hand on her heart as she saw Dobby smiling at her, "Merlin Dobby! You startled me." Dobby looked concerned as he apologized, "Dobby is very sorry Ms. Rose. Dobby never meant to surprise you." Rose smiled as she knelt towards Dobby, "It's alright, do you want any tea? I'm making it for my family this morning." Dobby looked as if he was going to cry, "M-Miss Rose is so kind t-to offer Dobby tea." Rose looked concerned as she tried to shush Dobby, worried he would awake her whole family. She tried to think of something to occupy him, "Would you like to help? I have some cups I need to get and start the coffee maker. If you grab the cups I can begin the water for the teas." Dobby looked excited as he smiled, "Absolutely Ms. Rose!" Suddenly Dobby was bringing down the cups as Rose smiled and began to put the freshly ground beans into their place and made a large pot. She then filled a large tea kettle and placed it on the stove before gathering the sugar and cream and the tea bags. She began to speak with him quietly, "What have you been up to Dobby? Everything alright?" Dobby nodded, his ears flopping like wings as he explained, "Mistress has been enjoying some time with Master this month. Dobby has seen their mood thoroughly improved." Rose smiled at him gently as she began to place tea bags inside the cups and started the sugar doses.

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