Chapter 34: The Worst Birthday Ever

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April 30th came in what felt like a flash to Rose. That Friday morning wakeup call was like all the others, Merlin soaring into the room with a gentle ooh to wake her up. Merlin sat at the foot of her bed, eager to see her reaction to the usual morning gift. Rose stired with a small, "Good morning Merlin." Merlin nuzzled her leg before Rose smiled at the pretty flower, "They've started to bloom. Thank you Merlin. As a matter of fact…" Rose stood up and went to her drawers and pulled out her robes. Her uniform was crisp and clean as she got ready for the day, Merlin hopping around to keep himself occupied. Once Rose was ready she sat down and twisted her hair in a small half up hairstyle, like a small tiara and placed the flower in her hair. 

"What do you think, Merlin?" Merlin flew towards her causing her to laugh as she placed on the lip tint her mother gave her. Alice was out of bed and already in the common room, most likely having a secret conversation with Cedric. The duo and most of Hufflepuff had been whispering around her at times. Rose shrugged as she stated to herself in the mirror, "Most likely planning who walks around me today." Rose stood up as she began to walk towards the common room. Suddenly she heard a loud shout, "Happy Birthday Rose!" She jumped at the sound of poppers and laughter, all of the Hufflepuff second years, first years, quidditch team and even quite a few of Cedric's friends were in the common room. Rose smiled brightly as she turned towards Cedric and Alice, "This is why you two have been so secretive!" Cedric and Alice laughed as they hugged her, "Not completely. Come on! We need to go eat breakfast." Rose smiled and she followed them, a crowd of Hufflepuffs behind and around them as everyone headed to breakfast. Upon entering the hall a few people were quick to try and run up to wish Rose a happy birthday, before they scurried away before the crowd took them with them. Rose sat down in her seat as the rest of Hufflepuff sat down at the table, Cedric discussing the practice scheduled for the afternoon. Rose nodded as she listened to the tactics he wanted to work on, "We need a way to avoid Katie, she's very fast and not afraid to throw an elbow. You don't want to be injured at the start." 

"Um… Hello Rose." Rose turned around with a massive smile, "Good morning Neville! How are you today? You remembered your cloak today, well done!" Neville smiled back as he handed her a small present, "Happy birthday. I-I asked my n-nan to pick this out. Hopefully you like it." Rose took the box with a little smile, she opened it and saw a small charm for her bracelet, "Is this?" Neville turned red, "S-She thought your name was R-Rosè…. A kind of wine. So apparently it's a miniature bottle of it." Rose giggled before she smiled towards Neville, "Thank you. And between you and me," Rose stood and whispered in his ear hiding her mouth from everyone else, "You can call me Rosè. It's kinda cute and funny." Rose smiled brightly to him as she stepped back, "Like you, now, you wanna join us for breakfast?" Neville stammered that he had to go back to his table before running off. Rose smiled before she sat down and began chatting with Alice, who was quick to discuss the classes she had. Her excitement started as she explained the charms class as well as a transfiguration class. He paused though when she sighed, "Apparently we are having potions with Slytherin today… Due to some kind of incident earlier in the year Snape wanted the class separate? But he chooses today of all days?" Rose smiled as she nudged her, "I'm just happy to have potions today." Alice laughed quietly before she nudged her, "At least you'll be happy. Come on, let's get to charms, hopefully I don't have to sit near Semus again." Rose laughed as she and Alice bid Cedric a goodbye and laced arms together and marched to class. Professor Flitwick wished her a happy birthday, after over half of the class did. Much to Alice's dismay she did have to sit next to Semus, while Rose sat next to Neville who was next to Hermione. Flitwick was having them do another spell casting today, the freezing charm, Rose was rather excited to cast the charm. Alice teased her saying she already knew it, Rose remembered when she casted the spell once already this year. She smiled and whispered, "I hope he doesn't release any pixies." Alice snorted, causing Flitwick to pick her, "Ms. Charmingale, will you please give a demonstration?" 

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