Chapter 11: Crabs and Christmas

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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic day. I can't wait to hear from all of you!

Best wishes:



"Wake up!! Eunji!!!" A loud thump sounded from the room as the smallest cousin body slammed the sleeping Rose. "OUCH!" Rose bellowed as she sat upright shoving her family off, "I'm awake!" While she didn't fly she still felt jet lag from the day, "Grandma wants to go to the market today! Get dressed! And she said it has to be traditional!" Sure enough her little cousin was wearing the traditional korean Hanbokk, something her grandma adored to wear. Rose happily got dressed in her traditional wear, her cousin helping her finish the details. While being home was wonderful to Rose, she couldn't help wondering how her friends' day was going. For her it was christmas eve for them it was still the day before. If anything maybe late into the night for them or even very early in the morning. A small frown crossed her lips as she began to miss the friends she gained. 

"Eunji, are you okay?" Rose blinked before she smiled brightly and tickled her little cousin, "Of course! Come on, we can't keep her waiting." The cousin smiled happily pulling her towards the entrance, "Don't forget your shoes!" Rose laughed gently as she sat on the steps, where multiple shoes were homed, the chilly air blew her hair gently looking at her family who all stood in a group. Just last year she was still normal Rose, not knowing her future as a young witch. She had played charm with her cousin not knowing she would be casting them in a few months. There were large black cars outside their secluded home, her family is very big, so there were at least three. Some tourists were trying to see who the cars were for, but Rose was much too busy sitting next to her great grandma. Her grandma was lively, and full of excitement and spirit, nothing could stop her. Her grandmother was very old for her life. Rose knew her family were cautious to keep an eye on her, they thought she could pass away any moment, but Rose felt as if her grandmother had so much more life. 

"How is your schooling dear? I know you changed schools last minute." Rose turned her head before smiling softly, she launched into a very cautious explanation about Hogwarts. She avoided the ghosts, the spells, the trolls, and the potions. She altered potions into cooking, changed Charms into grammar, transformed transfiguration into drawing, and deflected Defense Against the Dark Arts into the wars of England. She talked about Cedric, and Alice, Vincent, Gregory, and Draco. Her grandmother was listening to every word, "I knew my sweet girl would make lots of friends. You remind me of my sister." This was a rare moment, her grandmother was talking about her family. All of Rose's family in the car was listening, "She was just as kind as you. She had a temper that would curtle anyone's blood. We called her a lioness." Her grandmother looked away as she smiled softly, "She was very intelligent. Often trying to teach me, but I could never learn…" Her grandmother had turned sad, gently hugging Rose before she sighed, "Let's get shopping. We have a lot to catch up on." Rose and her grandmother barely separated during their trip. Her grandmother taught her how to barter with the prices. Letting Rose take the reigns for smaller items, before she went to the seafood section. This was her favorite section, her grandmother would get so excited when she saw the crabs and fish. Her grandmother could spend hours there, while her parents walked around the large market with her cousins. They would be christmas shopping, her cousins' parents all shopping separately from their kids. 

"What a lovely day." Rose was brought back to her grandmother who was setting a large neatly wrapped fish inside her basket. Her smile seemed to light up the whole market for Rose, causing her to hold her hand, "I agree. It's lovely." Her grandmother smiled brightly towards her, "Let's look at the crabs, we can make bokkeumbap tonight. At least, one of our sides." Rose smiled excitedly practically skipping with her beloved great grandma. If there was one thing Rose knew to do, it was find the right crabs. The pair walked towards live crabs that were in large containers. There was always something Rose enjoyed at the market, and that was the people there. Sellers pitching higher prices than it should be, customers pitching lower ones to bargain. Children splashing in the cold water puddles, tourists trying the different foods available. Rose watched as her grandmother began to speak with the seller, while she set to look at the crabs. There were tons, all freshly caught, but Rose saw the perfect bunch. "We will take these right here. That one with the notch in their left side, and those four in the top right tank." Instantly the person began to try and barter with the grandmother before Rose looked towards him, "25,000 won." The seller looked towards her before glancing towards her grandmother, who smiled and nodded assertively. He nodded before giving them a bucket deep enough to place the crabs in and Rose shut the lid tightly to keep her cousin's way from trying to touch them. After what felt like minutes which was hours the family, cold, hungry, and tired of shopping all went into the cars again and went home. Upon entering the warm home Rose immediately went with her grandmother towards their large kitchen. Her grandmother loved to cook, and Rose adored learning how. Her grandmother told her family when she was only three, "You can know a promising tree from when it's a baby tree." She said she had a bright future even from a young age, and because she soaked in information it just made it better. The clicking of crabs' claws alerted them to the life in the bucket. Instantly Rose got the massive pot for the crabs to be boiled in, and while she prepared her grandmother dragged one of her father's brothers into the kitchen to command him to start his signature dishes. Her whole family made specific sides for family meals. Her mother made sweet potato noodles for holidays, while her aunts would make kimchi, bulgogi which was barbecued beef, her uncle was in charge of sweets, he was preparing the christmas cake for tomorrow. Tomorrow Rose was going to learn how to make steamed pears. 

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