Chapter 21: Houselves, Hagrid, and Letters

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Rose was thoroughly enjoying all of the work she received for her punishment. While she was exhausted, the work and school kept her nerves away from the upcoming quidditch list. She had just finished her time with Madam Pomfry, and was rather proud to go to the Caretaker Filch to hand deliver a potion. She researched for hours and was supervised by Snape while she created the potion to cure his flu. 

"Mrs. Norris, how are you?" The familiar cat with lamp eyes rubbed against her ankles before leading her towards the office of Filch. Rose heard mumbling and angry sniffling, it was a dreadful day. The wet muddy outside had caused Rose to dread the trip to Hagrid's pumpkins to take care of them tomorrow. A gentle knock upon Filch's office door caused a gruff, "Come in." Rose slowly opened the door, the smell of fried fish wafted through the room, Filch was bright red, his nose snotty. Mrs. Norris hopped onto his desk, "Hello Ms. Park, I'm afraid I'm much too busy for a chat. Very rubbish day." Rose looked upset before she held out the vial towards Filch. He looked towards it, "What is this?" Rose smiled, "I made it for you. It's to cure your flu. I'm sorry if it tastes bad. I couldn't taste it to check." Filch paused in his scuffling and gently took the vial, "Thank you. It's rare to have students like you around. Now, please excuse me." Rose smiled as she nodded, wishing them a good day and closing the door behind her. The slow walk back to the dorm sent chills down her spine, but a soft mopey voice floated to her, "Hello Rose." 

"Hello Myrtle. I hope you're doing okay? Thought of death lately?" Myrtle sighed dreamily as she floated next to her, "Yes, so peaceful." Rose giggled towards Myrtle who held a soft smile, "I've been invited to a Deathday party." Rose tilted her head, "Deathday? Ghost parties for that day?" Myrtle nodded softly as she gently explained, "Oh yes. It's a dreadfully sad party, but music and dancing happen. Sir. Nick is celebrating his 500th Deathday. And I get to go!" Rose smiled brightly as she clapped, "That's wonderful, Myrtle! You must tell me all about it okay? When is it?" Myrtle floated happily around her, "Halloween." Rose smiled as she walked towards the dorm listening to Myrtle talk all about how Olive Hornby regretted teasing her. Rose paused before smiling at her, "Well, I'm afraid I have to get some sleep, do take care Myrtle. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures at the Party!" Myrtle wished her a good night before flying through the wall, Rose tapped the barrels as always before entering the cozy dorm. Students were doing homework in corners of the room as first years giggled roasting marshmallows over the large flame. Rose heard Alice rustling around in their dorm, complaining loudly about her potions homework. Rose happily ran up to her as she looked down at her parchment, "Honestly… why does he expect us to know the ingredients of the Forgetful potion? It literally says forget!" Rose laughed as she spoke towards her, "But you forget everything-" Alice looked towards her glaring playfully, "Oh shut up Rose. Are you ready for the Halloween feast? It's after tomorrow right?" Rose nodded cheerfuly, "Yeah, I can't wait." Alice asked who entered the Hospital wing today, "I heard Nevile got hurt again." Rose giggled before she nodded, "Apparently he got splashed with an unfinished potion, I had to help Madam Pomfry treat his burns." Alice shook his head before she continued her work, "Merlin came with another letter today." Rose looked surprised, "Really?" Alice nodded, "Yeah. I'm giving up. I'll just do it before potions tomorrow." Alice groaned before she flopped on her bed, Rose bid her goodnight, changing into her pajamas and laying on her bed, picking up both the letters. She opened the first one, as she hadn't opened it before. 

Dear Rose,

I have heard many things about you. However, why is it that a muggle-born is the top student? How are you so powerful to take out an entire quidditch team? I must say… I'm unusually impressed. However, make sure you understand who will protect you. Who your true alys are. 

I look forward to hearing more about you… maybe we will meet one day. 

T. R. 

Rose looked absolutely confused, taking the letter away from her face. "What on earth?" Rose stared at the letter, before she tucked away the letter deciding it had to be a prank. The next letter she opened seeing the lovely handwriting of her mother. 

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