Chapter 17: Howlers and Professors

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A familiar thump of something landing on her chest alerted Rose to the morning. A deep oo revealed who had placed soemthing on her chest, Rose opened her eyes sleepily and saw a sweet little envelope with a pretty lilly. Rose gently hugged him as she stood and started to get ready for the day, Alice had already been up, her messy but empty bed gave it away. Rose brushed her hair before deciding to do the familiar twist her mother would do when she wanted a flower in her hair, twisting two strands together before taking another to wrap around her head, she took the lilly and placed a bobby pin inside it. She pinned the flower in her hair as the rest of her wavy brown hair stayed put she had just put on her new robes when Alice walked in, "Good to see you awake! Ready for breakfast?" Rose nodded as she picked up her bag and opened the letter on the way, it had been a sweet little welcome back from Squibbles, inviting her to the kitchens at any time. As Rose entered the great hall she waved at Nevilie, who waved back but seemed to be questioning someone else. Rose sat with Alice starting to eat her poridge, Mail entered. Rose recieved a small letter from her father and mother, reminding her to have fun and study hard. Alice recieved a package that held her favorite headband. Just as Alice was about to say something an ear splitting screach erupted from the gryfendor table. 

"RONALD WEASLEY!" Alice whipped around looking at the reciever of the sound, "STEALING THE CAR-I'D WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF THEY'D EXPELLED YOU! YOU WAIT UNTIL I GET HOLD OF YOU!" Rose covered her ears as dust fell from the ceilings, Merlin had shat himself on the floor. "I DON'T SUPOSE YOU STOPPED TO THINK WHAT YOUR FATHER AND I WENT THROUGH WHEN WE SAW IT WAS GONE!" Rose looked towards the sound, "-LETTER FROM DUMBLEDORE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT-I THOUGHT YOUR FATHER WOULD DIE OF SHAME-WE DIDN'T BRING YOU UP TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS-YOU AND HARRY COULD BOTH HAVE DIED!" Rose instantly couldn't help the little smile across her lips seeing the crimson red boy and Harry looking guilty, "ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER IS FACING AN INQUIREY AT WORK- IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! AND IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT BACK HOME!" Instantly the sound was gone before Alice and Rose began to laugh, she locked eyes with Draco across the hall seeing he was laughing too. She turned around with Rose as Alice explained the loud noise was actually called a Howler. Rose giggled with her before their head of house, a stout woman named Professor Sprout handed out their schedules. The two looked towards their schedules seeing they had double Herbology with Gryfendors. Rose looked annoyed before she stood up and walked past the trio, Alice followed as Merlin flew into Rose's arms, his body seeming to be shaking. Rose began to coo over her beloved owl as Cedric stated he stepped in Merlin's poo. 

"I know it was frightning, poor Merlin." Merlin ooed as she cuddled him gently, Alice laughing still. "Did you see their face?" Rose walked through the vegitable patch as Merlin ate up the attention, his shaking had subsided after they exited the castle. Alice snickered, "Of course the volume, his mother must have been furious." Rose nodded before she glanced to her, "I feel bad for his mum. She must have been worried sick, but Ronald definetly deserved it. Plus it's nice for Harry to have a snap back to reality. Did you see how he strutted into the hall? He was really proud of himself." Rose stood in front of the greenhouse as she whispered to Merlin, "Go spend some time with Draco's owl." Merlin nussled her before he flew off yet again. The duo entered the greenhouse and waited for their head of house to enter. Rose turned bright red upon seeing Guildiroy Lockhart enter in robes of turqouice and a matching hat with a very upset Madam Pomfry. She was carrying bandages, and Rose could see the poor whomping willow. "Green house three today chaps." Alice and Rose looked to each other excited to enter the more advanced and dangerous home of plants. However just before Rose could enter she was lightly tapped seeing Lockhart smiling at her, "Might I have a word Dear?" Professor Sprout looked upset that her best student had been grabbed, and Rose saw Harry standing there. The two were lead away from the door as Lockhart smiled, "Harry. Harry, Harry, Harry." Rose couldn't help giggle at the stupid grin on his face as he stated Harry's name, "When I'd heard-well of course it was all my fault-could have kicked myself." Rose looked towards Lockhart confused, "Don't know when I'd be more shocked-flying a car to Hogwarts? Well of course I knew at once why you'd done it- stood out a mile-Harry, Harry, Harry." Rose giggled again as she looked at all the perly white teeth when he smiled, "Gave you a taste for publicity didn't I? Gave you the bug, you got onto the front page of the paper with me, and you couldn't wait to do it again." Harry tried to deny it as Rose glared towards him, "Oh no- Profesor see-" Lockhart interupted taking hold of his shoulder, "Harry, Harry, Harry. I understand. Natural to want a bit more after you've had a taste. And I blame myself for giving you that, because it was bound to go to your head." Rose admired how Lockhart accepted his part as she smiled, "But see here young man, you can't start flying cars to try and get yourself noticed. Just calm down, alright? Plenty of time for all that when you're older." Rose began to like Lockhart quite a bit, going out of his way to lecture Harry as he continued to lecture him. "But it's a atart Harry, it's A start." Rose cleared her throat, "Professor, you musn't blame yourself for his actions." Lockhart and Harry both looked to her, Rose smiled up to Lockhart, "Harry may have gotten a bit more egotistical after meeting you sir, but you never told him to do that. It was his own actions, don't be so hard on yourself." Harry looked flabbergasted before he was gently pushed away as Lockhart smiled to her, "My dear, you are so kind. I wanted to speak to you about class. I've heard from some professors you are hightly intelegent, and I wanted to tell you I look forward to seeing what my new favorite student will do in class." Rose was overtaken by Lockhart's charm, her cheeks turning pink as he led her back to the door and wished her a good day. Alice looked towards her friend who entered as red as Ron and stood next to her. 

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