Chapter 22: Halloween

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Halloween had finally come. Rose had pushed away the thoughts of the strange letters and encounters. Alice had just talked about how fascinating muggle celebrations were after hearing Rose explain trick or treat. The smell of roasted pumpkins floated through the entire Hufflepuff dorms. If there was one thing Hufflepuffs had that none did, it was the bonus of trying dishes and getting treats. 

"This is so exciting!" Rose smiled as she followed Alice towards the great hall. Rose and Alice were one of the few volunteers to decorate the hall. Well, Rose had to help, Snape told her it would take place of her detention for the night. Alice was giggling with her as she talked about the treats her family sent her. "I got chocolate frogs, fudge flies, exploding bon-bons, and some sugar quills." Rose looked impressed before she smiled, "Omma and Appa sent me a few muggle sweets, and a lot of Korean candies." Rose looped her arm with Rose as they entered the large hall, Alice awed, "It looks even better than last time!" Rose didn't really remember the last feast due to a terrible troll attack, so she was just as excited as Alice. They both began their exciting tasks for the evening. Alice was great with transfiguration, so she transfigured napkins into fake cobwebs, levitating them to the enchanted ceiling. Rose joined Professor Flitwick in moving the massive pumpkins around the room, casting flames inside the wonderfully decorated pumpkins. Alice distracted Rose when she pelted Bertie botts at her causing Flitwick to laugh and cast an interesting charm that projected dancing skeletons. After the decorations were finished Professor Flitwick sent them on a wonderful mission, to take some candy to all of the teachers. Alice and Rose decided to split up and go locate the different teachers. Rose was in charge of finding Snape, and some teacher named Professor Trawnly. First Rose went to Snape, knocking lightly on the door and she heard the familiar sour tone, "Enter." 

"Happy Halloween Professor-" Rose paused looking at the forlorn expression of Snape before he became blank, "Why are you here Ms. Park." Rose cleared her throat and walked to him, "I bring you some holiday treats, just before the feast." Snape looked towards the treats before nodding and waving his hand, "Very well. You may leave." Rose nodded slowly exiting the room, she was silent as she thought about the saddened expression. Maybe Halloween is a terrible time for him. She exited the dungeons and slowly walked up many steps, "Um… Where was it again…" A loud cackle alerted Rose to the brightly decorated poltergeist, "Hello Peeves." Peeves did a funny little bow to her with a large smile, "Princess. Whatcha doing here? Looking for mischief?" Rose giggled at the devilish smile as she thought for a little bit, "I mean it is Halloween, have you scared any students yet?" Peeves cackled as he launched into a spheel on terrifying first years with spiders and loud snaps. Rose smiled as she listened slowly walking up the huge tower, "Well look at you! Are you going to the Deathday Party Myrtle told me about?" Peeves crackled as he looked at her, "You know Moaning Myrtle?" Rose looked towards him annoyed, "Don't call her that Peeves. Sure she's sad, but wouldn't you be if you've been bullied all your life and now throughout your death?" Peeves shrugged before Rose sighed, "Do you know where Professor Trelawney is?" Peeves was all too happy to lead her up many more stairs before she was in the office of the professor. The room was filled with tons of odd smells, making Rose feel rather tired before a breathy voice spoke to her, "Hello Deary. I don't believe we've met." Rose turned towards the woman, large thick glasses made her eyes look huge as she stared at her, "I sense… a powerful aura. Tell me dear, are you aware of the shadow that haunts you?" Rose looked deeply uncomfortable as she stated, "What? I don't understand-" Trelawny picked up the candy bag, "My favorites, thank you. Excuse me, I have gazing to do." Rose was thoroughly confused as she was promptly shooed out of the office. Rose blinked confused as she slowly walked down the stairs, "What was that?" Rose met Alice at the Great Hall, quickly telling her what happened, Alice looked surprised before she told her it must have been poppycock.

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