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Lan Zhan's POV:

"Season is changing, Lan Zhan." Standing below the peach blossom tree, Wei Ying joins me, "Spring is nearing."


"Winter suits you more, Lan Zhan." Smiling inwardly at his offhanded comment I ask, "Why do you think winter suits me more?"

Turning to face me he is quick to kiss my lips and smirk, "Because in cold winter nights you make me warm. Besides I love watching your eyes glaze with happiness whenever it snows in Gusu."

"Did you know in this world there is a belief that if you watch first snowfall of the season with your loved one then they will be together for eternity?" Caressing his cheeks with my knuckles I enjoy this moment of peace. Closing his eyes, Wei sighs with content, "Then promise me Lan Zhan, first snowfall of the season we'll witness it together."

"Haven't we been witnessing a lot of first snowfalls together in Gusu, Wei Ying?"

"We have," taking me into a warm embrace he places his head on my chest and whispers, "yet promise me that this time too we shall witness our first snowfall together. Promise me Lan Zhan." Kissing the top of his head I breathe Wei Ying's scent, "Promise. We will witness first snowfall of the season together."

A moment later Wei Ying's words acts as a balm to my aching heart, "I love you Lan Zhan. Hope you know that my world starts and ends with you. You're the words in my otherwise empty page. Without you, you're Wei Ying can never bloom. I love you."

Never to be the one with too many words, going beyond who I am, kissing his lips and whisper my oath to his soul, "You're neither my start nor my end, but you're me Wei Ying. Like the first hue to end of twilight, we shall always meet at the horizon of life. I love you too, Wei Ying." Watching a tear trail down from Wei's eyes it takes me by surprise, never the one to cry, today his were heavy and that aches my soul.

Sitting out on the porch I smile when my ears perk up at Wei Ying talking animatedly with GG

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Sitting out on the porch I smile when my ears perk up at Wei Ying talking animatedly with GG. Apparently he hasn't given up on the task of introducing her to my uncle. Oh Wei! If only uncle knew about your shenanigans.

"May I join you?" Looking up to see Xie Lian, I nod. Taking a seat next to me he hands over a plate of fruits and with a small bow I pick up a piece to eat.

"You seem perturbed." His observation surprises me, "Don't look so astonished. I know many would find it difficult to read you, at first even I couldn't, but when you've lived as many years as San Lang and me, one can read another soul. Also knowing for a fact that Wei Wuxian is all geared up to save Wang Akio, I can pretty much guess that you're worried for your husband."

"I am." There is no reason to lie, "Having known Wei Ying for so long, his love to sacrifice himself for the sake of others is not new to me. I won't ever ask him to change, but the fact that I am worried will also not change." Turning towards Xie Lian, I make a request that has been running through my mind, "I need your help."

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