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Wang Yibo's POV:

Where am I?

Looking around with a massive hangover, I find a soft body next to me.

Xiao Zhan.

My clumsy movements causes him to stir and very slowly he opens his eye and those black orbs find mine.

"Good morning Dai Tou." Fuck me hard! How can his voice ooze out this much of sexiness early morning?

Banding his arms around my waist he pulls me close to him ... and my eyes widen! He's got a massive boner!

Howdy Partner!

"Good morning," For some reason I cast my eyes down with a feeling of extreme shyness for our situation.

Placing a forefinger under my chin he commands, "Look at me Dai Tou." Unable to not comply I look up and am taken aback by the sincerity in his eyes, "Never look away from me. I want your eyes always on mine, for now and eternity. Dai Tou, I don't know if you remember what happened last night-" placing a kiss on his lips I mumble softly, "I remember."

"Then you remember me asking you for sometime?" At his enquiry I nod.

"Good." Taking a deep breath he smiles and kisses my forehead, "My man." At his words I grind myself against him while he growls,
"Careful Dai Tou. Don't start something that you can't complete."

Pushing him against the bed with me on top and Xiao Zhan below, bringing my face close to his I whisper, "Who said I can't complete, BoZhan?"

His roaming hands on my back stills as he enquires with a smirk, "BoZhan?"

Licking sides of his upper lip and trailing them toward his earlobe, biting them gently I whisper, "You're Yibo's Zhan. So BoZhan." His reaction to my words surprises me as he arches against my body and his nails painfully to the point of pleasure digs into my skin. His other hand flushes our waist together and the friction causes me to moan. From then on all caution was up in the air as we like some teenage boys hump eachother dry. One moment I am above him and the next second below. Capturing my hand above my head, we rutt against eachother in frenzy while our mouths mate just like our lower halves.

Ripping my lips away from his I moan long and loud, "BoZhan... I am...going to...come."
His pace increases and with one command "Come now!" I see moon, stars and whole beautiful galaxy as my ecstasy milks me high and dry. Quick to feel wetness seeping between us, I open my eyes to see ethereal beauty above me. If someone asked me when was the exact moment I knew to have fallen for the man in my arms, my soul would point out to this exact moment. Even in his throes of passion, Xiao Zhan's eyes did not leave mine. He was capturing my every moment. His eyes held love, lust, warmth and above all compassion just for me.

I am in love with him.

I love him.

I love you Xiao Zhan.

"Hey!" Wiping my tears which I did not know had trailed down, his soft voice made me take a deep breath and pull him into my arms. He was not ready for my words. I have always asked too much from him, but BoZhan, I promise to be yours for eternity. I'll wait a lifetime for you to catch up if need be. "Dai Tou, are you alright?"

Watching his concerned gaze on mine, I cup Xiao Zhan's cheeks and smile, "I am beyond alright," trailing down to witness the wetness forming a crust I grimace, "but seems the sheets and our pants need to be changed."

When he doesn't make a move, I look up to find him gazing into my soul, "Dai Tou?"


"BoZhan? Really? Why can't it be ZhanBo or ZhanYi?" His question makes me laugh and biting his chin I smirk, "Cause your mine. You might own my heart," placing my palm on his chest I whisper, "but I own yours too." With a quick kiss I push him aside and walk into the bathroom.

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