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Wei Ying's POV:

"Wei Ying?"


"You're burning up. What's wrong?" His concerned voice rouses me from my troubled sleep.

"Lan Zhan..." I could hear myself groan " hot. Ugh..." Pushing the covers aside, I try to roll away from the bed when Lan Zhan's arms lift my body and a moment later, he gently places me inside the tub filled with cool water.

Ah... Heaven!

It's takes a few good moments to assimilate my thoughts and look around. The room is elegant yet simple. An ornate round bathtub that has space for two people comfortably. Xiao Zhan knows to pamper his guests.

"Lan Zhan." I look at him mischeviously.

"Hm?" He on the other hand does not spare me a glance and goes about to pour some liquids inside the tub.

Not the liquids I am expecting.

"Come join me" I pout. Raising his eyebrows he enquires "Only if you tell me where have you been? Why has your spiritual powers diminished?" He pauses and softly questions "Will they be back?"

Smiling at his trail of thoughts, I call out "Lan Zhan."


"Look at me!"

"What-" before he could say more, cupping his cheeks I kiss him sweetly. To say his ears turned red is not a joke, it's quite rare to see my husband affected by my kisses. To see him blush, makes my heart beat erratically. I truly love this man.

"I love you, Lan Zhan." Smiling cheekily, I slide back into the water as he huffs and gathering my hair he ties a knot at top of the head. "You never asked me where I was for those 13 years, Lan Zhan. Why?" His fingers still and I turn back to look at him. "Why have you never questioned me? Why haven't you ever asked me about those years when we were apart? Why didn't you ever seek answers to your pain, Lan Zhan?

"I know you'll never ask me those questions, but Lan Zhan, you're the only one who has the right to ask me those questions. Never think for once that you don't have any authority. You do. Only you. So ask me, Lan Zhan. Let your heart seek answers for those innumerable Inquiry that you've played."

"Where were you for those 13 years, Wei Ying?" I close my eyes with content as he finally questions me. My heart for some reason feels a lot lighter.

"Waiting for a chance to come back, Lan Zhan. To be honest, this soul was dispersed and did not even have a slightest clue for a secret yearning it had for another soul, but when it heard a cry of despair, this soul wanted a second chance, Lan Zhan. I am sorry. I never expressed my feelings back then. So involved was I in my own grief, never did I stop to think that another life was connected with me.

"I never thought about you nor your feelings for me. Sorry, my love.

"As true it was that my soul was floating around aimlessly in abyss, but not everything was lost. He found me. A lone soul responsible to give me shelter when I had no hope of revival. Hua Cheng."

"Hua Cheng?" Lan Zhan enquires and I smile warmly at those memories.

"He's the Ghost King Supreme of his realm, Lan Zhan. When we met, he posed only two questions. Contented with my answer, Hua Cheng took me to his house and for next few  years nurtured my soul. Not once did he ever ask me who I was. Hua Cheng let me live at peace in his abode. Over the course of time my soul became stronger and soon it was time for me to take my leave, it was then that I had promised him, if he ever needed my help, to let me know and I would help him out. No questions asked. This time when Hua Cheng sought me, I had to leave, Lan Zhan."

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