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Wang Yibo's POV:

"I am not so easy. Woo me and maybe, just maybe, I'll give you one date." Laughing at my audacity, I cruise through the race course and reminisce our conversation from last night. Oh, how I saw red when that lady was flirting with Xiao Zhan.

"Bo, this is the last lap." Keith's voice booms in my bluetooth. "Alright." Swiftly taking a turn and entering the bay area, my team shows me the new record I have set. Wow!

"Papa!!!" A small arm hugs my right knee and through the hemlet I could see soft black curls in a cute pigtails.

"Oreo" chuckling at her enthusiasm, I raise my eyes to meet another figure approaching us. Xiao Zhan.

"Papa, I want to ride with you. Vroom. Vroom." At her adamancy my team teases Oreo sweetly, they were accustomed to having her around, when Zhan joins us and gently caresses her curls. "Didn't you want to go to the mall?"

"I do, but first vroom vroom with Papa!" One could never say no to her cute face and thus securing Oreo to my body with safety harness, I slowly ride back on the race course. Her soft giggles make me smile and think back to a time when all of us were innocent and life was simple.

"Having fun munchkin?" I enquire and she nods her head. "Can't we go faster?" She enquires and I had to remind her, "Nope. Remember safety comes first." This wasn't her first time with me. She knew the rules. When she rides, I slow down.

As we come to a stop, Oreo on watching Zhan approach us, raises her arms and he dutifully picks her up like a teddy bear. "Had fun?" His voice is soft and she snuggles happily in his arms.

"This is sooooo cute!" On hearing a click of the camera, we turn around to see Megan snapping pics of us three and gushing about how cute we look, "Bo, if only press received this picture, the nation would envy the three of you. Look!" Handing me the phone we three peer onto the screen and Oreo giggles sweety. Indeed we are looking like one small family. Me astride on the bike, Oreo snuggled comfortably on Xiao Zhan's hip and his body close to mine. One would definitely assume us to be a family.

"Oreo, how about you come with me? I have Hershey's Kisses." Megan grins when Oreo pounces on her with greed for chocolate.

"Give me 10 minutes and I'll join you soon." Turning back to Xiao Zhan I address him when it surprises me that his gaze is not on retreating Oreo but lingering on my suit.

"Sure you don't want my help?" He enquires softly and I gulp at his innuendo.

"Nope" I purposely stress on 'P' when his gaze softly caresses my lips. "That's the same thing you said yesterday," bringing those heavy eyes back to mine he enunciates "but you did need my help in the end to unzip you, Dai Tou."

"Ahem," clearing my throat I look away, "Don't worry. Sure I won't be needing any help today. See you at the waiting room." Unable to be next to him, I push my beloved bike into the bay area where my team immediately starts working on her, walking towards my office for a quick shower, I quickly unzip my suit and refrain from blushing. Nothing like cool water soothing your sun burnt skin. Yeah right.

15 minutes later I meet Xiao Zhan and Oreo in the waiting room where they indeed looked like one small happy family. Do you want kids one day, Mr. Frost? You would make an amazing father.

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