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Wang Yibo's POV:

"Bo, there is a handsome guy out there asking for you!" Tina winks as I walk out from Mr. Valdimer's office. "If he is single do let me know!" With a light laugh she pats my shoulder and I narrow my eyes. Handsome guy? Asking for me? Who could it be?

With few nods from my team on my way out, my step halts in surprise when I see the handsome guy mentioned by Tina was none other than Mr. Xiao Zhan. What is he doing here? His back is towards me when I slowly approach him. "Xiao Zhan?"

As he turns, his otherwise serious face sports a warm smile when they meet mine. Raising his arms he displays a brown bag, "I knew you'd have skipped lunch and wanted to feed you a bit before your shift at Red. Here."

This is strange. He never bought me food before.

With an awkward smile I take the bag and peer into it. Woah! He got my favourite hot buns! "Sweet sour buns!? How did you get them? This shop is out of your way!" Picking out one I stuff it into my mouth without second thought. At his soft chuckle I realise we were still outside and many of my teammates around me were grinning at my antics.

"Slow down will you. I was passing by that shop when it struck me that you love these. They were fresh and wanted to get them for you. How is it?" His voice is so close to me that as I look up from the bag, my breathing stops. We were just inches apart. Why is my heart thundering?

"Um... good?" I stammer and he grins. Ahem.
"Do you want one?" Raising a bun to his face I ask, he on the other hand takes a pause as his eyes peer into mine and very slowly  more like sensually, as he takes a small bite his lower lip grazes the tip of my finger. My body literally shivers. All throughout this interaction his eyes does not sway away from mine.

Oh my.

Snatching my hand away quickly I stuff the bun into my mouth and he gives me a lazy loopsided smile "Dai Tou," he whispers and my eyes widen. He has never called me Dai Tou ever. "you look so cute when flustered."


With a wink he takes a step back "What time does your shift end?"

"In about 5 mins" taking a look at my watch I reply.

"How did you travel to the race track?" He enquires softly and for some reason I could not meet his eyes. Averting, I answer in haste, "Took a cab."

"Hm. Well then change your coveralls. I'll drive you to Red." At his command my gaze quickly finds his and right there. His are so warm. Snap out of it Yibo! "Um, don't bother. You need to get back to the lab. I'll catch a cab."

Turning to leave, he catches hold of my wrist and pulls me closer to him. So close that his body warmth is seeping into mine. "Dai Tou, just do what I say," he whispers hotly into my ears "please." I shiver again. 
What is happening to me?

"Um, alright" is all I could say meekly.

Without another word I leave Mr. Xiao Zhan to follow and walk into my office. There is a small attached bathroom. Splashing some cool water on my face I watch my reflection on the mirror. He is right. My face is beet red. Dai Tou? What's with this nickname? I reminisce back to his lips grazing my fingers. No. No. Don't think about that! Yibo!

"Dai Tou, do you need help?" hearing him mock at me I narrow my eyes. "No need!" My fingers clasp around the zip by my neck and I pull them down when it gets stuck! Fuck! Trying my best to get it down, I hear a small rip. Fuck! This won't do. Ahem. Slowly opening the door, I find Mr. Xiao Zhan near the window.

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