Back to where it all started.

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We pull up to his parents house and I genuinely start to feel sick and nervous. I love them and I dont want them to think bad of me. Also not gonna lie I'm still a bit pissed at his dad for getting involved in our relationship.

He looks over and sees that I'm chewing at my lip a sign I'm stressed. "Hey beautiful, you have nothing to worry about, they love you and they are gonna love that crazy little dude back there"

I smile and squeeze his hand. "Where are we mama? Is this another hotel."

I laugh at this "No honey this is Dutchs parents house, I used to live here when I was a young girl, and they are kind enough to allow us to stay here with them, so be that kind, sweet, polite boy that I know you can be."

"This is someone's house its huge" he genuinely looks shocked.

"Yeah and your gonna love it in there little dude, there is a huge pool that you will have all to yourself, big grounds for you to run around in you will love it and because you are so cool I'm gonna let you have my old bedroom with the big t.v in."

"Ah wow thank you"

"Dutch you dont need to spoil him" I say as we get out of the car. 

He just smirks as he leads, Leo up the steps by the hand up to his parents front door. We knock on the door and I take a deep breath.

It's been 15 years since I last stepped foot in this house and have seen Eve and Major David Dutch. She answers the door and she still looks as beautiful and as glamorous as she ever did. She screams and pulls me into a big hug. I hug her back, it's only when we step into the front hall in front of the staircase that she sees my swollen purplely face.

"Oh honey you have really been through it haven't you? Never mind you and this lovely little boy are safe here and will be welcome to stay for as long as you need."

Dutchs dad, isnt home yet so she gets the maid to get us all drinks and a snack and we will all have dinner together later on when he gets home.

Leo gets excited and wants to see the house, especially the pool so Dutch offers to show him around and show him his room. 

"He really is a lovely sweet boy Vanessa and he seems to have taken a liking to Chad which is nice." 

"Thank you, and it's probably because they are on the same emotional wavelength" this makes her chuckle. I did notice that since we have met up Leo has been all Dutch only wanting him to take him places and show him things. 

"Um Eve, I just want to thank you for taking us both in and I really really appreciate it, but I dont want you to think bad of me at all, I love Dutch...I mean Chad, I don't know what's going to happen with us now, or what he wants to happen but"

She stops me by putting her hand on mine "Vanessa you dont need to explain yourself to me at all and I would never ever think bad of you. You and Chad have been through so much, too much really and he has never been happy since you left. If you two are finally getting a chance then I'm all for it. And I look forward to having you guys here and getting to know that wonderful little boy."

The boys walk back in stopping our conversation. "Mama you wont believe the size of my room, my bed is huuugge and Dutch says he will take me swimming tomorrow" he is so excited and I realise i haven't seen Leo this happy in awhile and it makes me feel terribly guilty a miserable home life really does bring a kid down no matter how much you try to shield them from it.

We all have dinner together, when David gets back and its nice to see he seems to have softened in his old age. He even greets me with a hug. At dinner they are making a fuss of Leo and I get a glimpse of what they would have been like as grandparents and it stings really. I forget that they lost a grandson that day, it wasnt just me and Dutch that suffered the loss.

After dinner I take Leo upstairs, give him a bath and get him settled into bed. It feels strange getting him settled into Dutchs bed, the room has changed they have modernised it and took down his posters, but his trophy  case is still there and some of his old photos.

He drifts off after I tell him a few stories and pretend to go to sleep next to him so he will settle. I put a lamp on for him and leave the door open slightly so I can hear him as I am only next door.

I walk into the guestroom where I'll be staying for my visit and see Dutch lying on the bed with his eyes closed. "Faker you are not asleep' I say crawling onto the bed to lie next to him.

"Nah I'm just resting my eyes, in case you didnt realise i have had a busy few days." I burst out laughing.

"Yep its definitely be a crazy few days for us, I cant believe we are back here though, back to where it all started." I snuggle into the crook of his arm and just lie there with my hand splayed on his broad chest just feeling his heart beat.

"Look babe I don't want to be a kill joy here as I can see that you and Leo are getting on but I just want you to be careful with him. You dont need to spoil him or pander to him. He is a sensitive boy and can become quite clingy especially to males like he is with his grandad I think its coz he doesn't have a proper father figure." I pause.

"Well what do you want me to do, I thought you would want me to be close to him and befriend him."

"I do, I really do, but he doesn't know about us and I dont want him to yet, he doesn't even know that me and his dad have split up. It's going to be really confusing for him. So for now let's just play that your the cool fun uncle and we have to be careful how we act towards each other in front of him."

"How we act in front of him? That's fine he isnt here now is he?" He turns and takes my face in his hand and starts to kiss me slowly. He is massaging my tongue with his and he just tastes amazing the guy really is the best kisser I've ever known. Not that I really have much to compare him too. But he just melts all my pain away.

I'm rubbing my hand under his tshirt feeling his warm taut skin and he repays the favour by putting his hand under my tshirt and starts rubbing my breasts and playing with my nipples. I start to moan into his mouth.

"Dutch, we cant go any further" I say pulling away "Leo could walk in and catch us and your parents are downstairs, plus my whole body just feels like a big bruise."

"Yeah I know, I know, take it slow, I promise, just keep kissing me then till I have to go home."

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