Road Trip

435 10 1

September 2005

I wake up full of excitement and anticipation its finally the weekend of our high school reunion. I have got a fresh new haircut, nails have been done and ive had a few pamper treatments I have to look great walking back into that school cant face anyone looking anything less than my best.

I drop Leo off at Danny's parents early in the morning, theres alot of tears from myself and Leo we have never been apart for longer than 24 hours when I'm working a night shift and it feels like I'm leaving a piece of my heart here. Plus I feel a bit guilty that I'm leaving him to go have fun, mom guilt is just the worst.

I drive over to the train station to pick up Emily then we head to pick up Ali and we are finally on our way. Its going to take about 15 hours of pure driving but we are gonna do it in shifts but we dont care we are all giggly and excited like we have been finally set free from the restraints of work and home life, women gone wild.

Of course the talk then goes to the Cobra Boys.

"I wonder if they are all still as hot as they were at school" says Emily.

"They were beautiful boys bless them we were a lucky school to have them. Do you guys feel nervous about going back at all?" I ask curiously I mean is it just me who wants to vomit.

"I'm a little nervous to see Johnny, he was a big part of my school life and that whole Daniel Larusso thing really tainted my senior year as you all remember. I just hope there is no awkwardness. If they are both there." Said Ali.

" Yeah alot of dramas in our senior year and the fact that you and Daniel were prom king and Queen may well be brought at the reunion so that might be awkward. I'm not nervous about seeing Bobby we still talk now and then i still adore the guy"

I know she still adored him and she even went to see him be ordained as a minister they were still very close friends even after all this time and I suspect he is the only reason that we managed to convince her to return back to the school for this reunion.

"I just dont know how I'm going to act, around Dutch not sure whether it's good or not that we are seeing them before the reunion. I feel there is so much I want to talk to him about and so much left to say but I dont know if he will even give me the time of day." I say with a sigh.

"Oh honey you've still got it so bad after all this time, I just dont want you to think that everything can be fixed in one weekend plus I know things are shit with Danny but dont think that Dutch is gonna be your saviour" says Emily pointedly.

"That's not what I think at all" I say going on the defensive "I would just like some kind of closure"

An awkward silence falls over the car.

"Sorry guys, I dont want to ruin the mood this is supposed to be a party weekend isnt it" I say while turning up the music so we can all sing along to the 80s CD that I have packed for the trip.

As I'm singing all I can think of in less than 24 hours I will be seeing Dutch again. 

Its Emily's turn to now take over the wheel, so we stop at the next service station to take a toilet break, grab some food, fill up with gas and refresh for the next part of the journey.

We are half way through the journey and are now somewhere in Utah. I'm shattered and stiff from sleeping in the back seat while Ali was driving. 

Ali climbs into the back seat to stretch out and sleep and I get in the front to keep Emily company and keep her wide awake. We will keep going now until our next stop in Vegas.  Then we will be finally on the home stretch towards Encino and as we are getting closer I can feel myself starting to get restless and more stressed and I start playing with the St Christopher around my neck.

"Cant believe you still wear that thing" Emily says noticing what I'm doing. "Didnt Dopey Danny ever ask what it was?"

"I seriously haven't took it off since the day he gave it to me, and yeah he asked once and I just said it was a family heirloom and he never asked about it again or asked me to elaborate" 

"Ness, what are you doing honey?, are you hoping to get back with Dutch as I dont want you to get your hope's up, he probably isnt the same guy you fell in love with in 84, hell you certainly arent the same girl. I just love you and I dont want to see you get hurt.....again."

"I dont know, I dont know what I'm thinking, I just want to know what went wrong, why did he walk away, what changed between us. I just need answers?"

"But why its, 15 years ago what good will bringing all that up do either of you?"

"For 15 years he is all that's been on my mind and I replay events and conversations over and over again in my head. If anything maybe I'd just like some closure and maybe close that door for good"

"Ok honey, if that's all you think it may be. But I just think you and Dutch should be left in the past. You grew apart and you changed simple as, it sucks but first loves barely ever last after high school I think you guys did well to make it 5 years after that."

"Yeah i guess your right and I feel stupid for pining after someone who probably hasn't given me a second thought in those 15 years. But it would just be nice to see all the guys and susan and Barbara again and if a conversation could be had at some point that would make me happy and that's all I ask for"

I now start to ask her the quizzes in the magazines I just brought for us to change the conversation and lighten the mood.

We giggle at laugh at each others answers and o just know this weekend was exactly what I needed to cheer me up and help me forget the shit at home.

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