The past, is the past?

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September 2005

When I get home from work, I see that the answer machine is flashing. It's a message from Ali asking me to give her a call as she has some exciting news, plus she wants to make final plans for our reunion trip.

I sort Leo's dinner out and get myself settled with a glass of wine and then grab the phone to talk to Ali. 

"Hey Ali its Vanessa, just returning your call."

We have general catchup chit chat,  for a bit then she gets to the juicy bits.

"Is Danny at home, can you talk freely?"

"Yeah he is working away this week, and Leo is just watching some tv in the den, so what have you got to tell me?"

She told me that she tasked susan with the mission of finding out if the Cobras were going to the reunion. Well Susan did one better she actually bumped into Jimmy in the supermarket and got all the information from him. 

He told her that they were most definitely all attending, which isnt a surprise really they practically ruled that school so made sense for them to go back and re live their glory days.

"I've also got the gossip on Dutch if you really want it?"

I felt my pulse quicken "yeah go on tell me  I'd rather just know now

"Well he isnt married and never has been, he has been in relationships but nothing serious and no kids. Jimmy did say after you guys broke up he was in a pretty bad way for quite awhile heavy drinking, drug use but seems to have sorted himself out, and works at his own auto shop. I mean I dont know how you feel about all this."

In truth I didn't know how I felt to be fair, I was kinda glad he wasnt with anyone but hearing he had a bad patch because of me did sting a bit.

"Did Susan tell Jimmy about me?"

"Yeah she told him you've got a son, and work as a doctor not sure how detailed she got about your love life though, but it's probably all got back to Dutch now"

I felt sad now as I didn't want Dutch to think that I just moved on and lived happily ever after without him around as that most certainly wasnt the case.

"Vanessa there is something else" she paused "Susan gave jimmy her number to make arrangements before the reunion and he did just that, he rang her saying that he spoke to all the guys  and they all want to meet up for a meal with us all before the reunion, will you be ok with that?"

I'm not sure it's a crazy feeling in a big busy hall with music blasting I can ignore him  admire him from afar or just hide. But in a restaurant sitting at the same table, having to make conversation is going to prove difficult.

"We dont have to go if you dont want to Vanessa, I know better than anyone what you went through after that breakup, remember I was the one forcing you to eat and get up out of bed. I dont want to witness you go through that deep depression that he caused you again. So we can leave it if you want." 

"I'll be fine Ali, I'll have you guys there with me, even Emily said she is going to come down with the two of us so I'll have lots of support. Plus it's one weekend I'm sure I can deal with that"

"As long as you are sure and anytime he acts like a dick we can just leave"

"Are you going to be ok seeing Johnny again?" Totally wrapped up in myself I forgot she had her own cobra drama to deal with.

"Oh yeah totally fine, life is different now I'm a married woman I can deal with seeing Johnny Lawrence but I guess I haven't been carrying a torch like you have for all these years" she says sadly.

It's true I've never gotten over my first love I think while twiddling his st Christopher that I still wear around my neck.

"No ive never gotten over him and dont think I ever will, maybe this reunion will do us some good, help me gain some closure and finally finally move on with my life"

"Hmmm I hope so" she says not really convinced.

We then arrange our road trip, when she will be picking me and Emily up from mine and what hotel she has booked us into. I'm so excited, but not sure what's got me most excited, the trip, getting away from here, girly time or the fact I'll be the presence of my favourite bad boy again.

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