Lab Partners

819 19 4

September 1984

"I cant believe you and Dutch are lab partners" Emily is practically gushing with excitement. "Tell me everything and dont spare the details, how does he smell? Is he just as good looking up close, what has he said to you? Are you going to have to meet up in your spare time, man you are so lucky"

"Calm down, we are literally just together because we are forced to be" I then proceed to tell her how I threatened him which makes her laugh.

"Hey did Dutch tell you all the gossip about that new kid, apparently there was a fight between him and johnny at the beach yesterday over Ali"

"No Emily, we didn't gossip as we aren't buddies, but I had heard Ali had dumped that jerk and I'm glad she has finally come to her senses, always thought that she could do way better than him , and trust him to still act like a territorial jerk about it."

" Do you think I finally stand a shot with Johnny now maybe me you and Dutch can double date, wouldn't that be fun." I have to just laugh at her as I just cant see what is so special about Johnny that makes all the girls go mad and all the boys literally worship him, I just dont get it.

The next few weeks were pretty uneventful and on the friday science lesson I was pissed off to find that Dutch had ditched the class and even more pissed at myself that i was actually what upset, disappointed, what a fool I am. On the Friday evening me and Emily were just hanging out at mine having a girls night as my parents had gone to the country club for dinner when there was a knock at the door.
I was shocked to see Dutch standing on my doorstep I must have stood there just staring at him in shock for what felt like an eternity when he said "ugh sorry to bother you on a friday night, but I just wanted to apologise for ditching you today, something came up with the boys and I had to go but I didn't want you to feel I wasnt taking the lesson serious and even wondered if you could help me catch up on what he missed" he actually looked nervous and was babbling and I realised I still hadn't spoken when I heard Emily approaching.

"Ness, who is it? Woah oh my god" she exclaimed when she saw exactly who was standing on my doorstep.

"Um Dutch, was just asking me to catch him up on what he missed today"

"Really" and then her voice took on a flirty tone " why dont you catch old Dutchie up on that right now, I was just leaving anyway, Ness call me later, let me know how the catch up session goes, yay science" she giggled as she walked past him making blow job signs with her hand and mouth, I seriously wanted to the ground to open up and swallow me.

" Well Dutch, do you want to come in for a bit, if your not busy, that is I can grab you my notes"

"Yeah I would love to, if it's ok with your parents"

"My parents are out at the country club, so as long as your gone before they get back it wont be an issue I'm sure" I've never had a boy in the house but dont think they would react well, especially to one who looked like Dutch, who would literally be every parents worst nightmare. With his bleached hair, tan skin, muscles and just the air of danger and sex rolling off him.

So he came into the house, no way he was going into my room so I took him into the den where all my work was strewn about anyway.

I grabbed us a couple of cokes out of the fridge and sat down by him at the table, all of a sudden I felt really nervous and had to steady my hand and breathing as i tried to explain what he missed and tried to make it sound interesting to him.

"Um Dutch, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, shoot"

"How did you know where I lived?" It had just occurred to me i never told him my address.

"Oh Bobby, told me, we were hanging out at his house and he mentioned that you lived just down the street from him." He said it so nonchalantly but the thought of the Cobras talking about her made her feel really uncomfortable for some reason, I just hated appearing on anyone's radar.

"Oh, ok, well anyway let's get back to physics."

"Ugh, really your just gonna talk at me about physics all night then." He said in a sort of annoyed tone.

" yeah, as I thought that's why you were here? So I can help YOU catch up, so that YOU can pass the class".

He burst out laughing "let's just take a break and get to know each other better." He said while wiggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes at him " um, no let's not, it's getting late, my parents will be back soon and frankly I'm too tired for this crap now."

"Wow you are a real bitch when you wanna be, I'm trying to be nice here, and get along with my lab partner."

" and I thought we agreed, talking and contact to a minimum, I knew it was a bad idea to invite you in." I say while standing up and tidying away the empty glasses and the papers that are everywhere.

" yeah Johnny was right about you" he said while grabbing his stuff and heading towards the door.

I tried not to bite at that comment like he wanted me to do, pretending I dont give a shit what Johnny Lawrence thinks of me at all.

" See you at school Lab Partner" he shouts as walking out and slamming my front door. Seriously what an asshole I'm so pissed off now. But I cant help but wonder what was meant by that comment , what were they saying about me and why did it bother me so much. Arrrgghh I threw myself down on the bed in frustration and decided to ring Emily to vent.

She answers after three rings "Hey Ness, please tell me date night isnt over all ready?"

"It most definitely wasnt a date night"

"What happened, and please dont spare the details."

"I gave him a coke and I just explained what he had missed in physics class, while sitting in my den"

"Oh please stop, you're making me blush with these sordid details." She teased

I laughed at this "honestly Emily, he is just a dick" I told her about our little row and how confused I was by it.

" I wonder what Johnny said about you then, and why they were talking about you, cant believe Bobby knows where you live." She babbled on. " so romance isnt on the cards yet then"

" are you not listening to me, he is the most obnoxious, rude thick, aggressive asshole I've ever had the displeasure to meet"

'Um yeah right, I think the lady doth protest too much" she teased and I couldn't help but thinking she was right about that and the thought scared and repulsed me in equal measure.

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