December Plans

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December 2005

We are lying in bed, it must be morning but the house is still silent, I turn over to see Dutch is just watching me, he smiles as he sees I'm now awake "Morning Beautiful" he gives me a kiss on the forehead "Babe I was thinking I want you to come with me this weekend"

I forgot that Dutch had a race meeting this weekend, well not so much forgot but I tried not to think of it. The thought of him being away from me for 2 nights makes me feel ill we haven't been apart since I came back to Encino.

"How can I? I cant leave Leo for 2 nights, plus me at a race meet I think I would feel a bit out of place."

"Dont be silly you wouldnt, and I just think it would be good for us to have a couple of nights away on our own before the chaos of Christmas begins and you get bigger" he says while rubbing my belly delicately "Plus you've never seen me or my team race and I would feel better if you were there cheering me on" he says showing me that gorgeous lopsided smile I mean how can I resist that.

"I wont have a clue what's going on, but I cant lie the thought of seeing you in your race gear is a slight turn on" he chuckles at this.

"So is that a yes then?"

"Yeah I'll support you in whatever you do Babe you know that, so if you want me there in your corner this weekend I'll be there. Plus it will be lovely to have you all to myself for a few days. I'm just worried about Leo I feel he is being pushed around alot recently who is going to have him for 2 days."

"My Mom and Dad will watch him, they will be here all weekend, he will be fine with them and then maybe in the future I can start taking him to the race track, he will love it, it's just I really need it to be just us two this weekend."

"Yeah that's fine then as long as it will be ok with your parents and Leo. But why are you so keen for us to be alone. Have you got something planned?" I say with a little smirk.

"Well actually yes I have this idea that i want to run by you I was thinking that." He gets cut off by the door banging open and Leo bounding in and jumping on the bed. This is the reason why we have to wear night things when we are about to go to sleep as much as it pains us. Leo gives us morning kisses and cuddles.

"Sorry Dutch what was you gonna say?" I ask as Leo snuggles in between us.

"It doesn't matter I'll ask you later" he says with a wink, I hate it when he does that I have to know everything now.

We lie there chatting with Leo for a bit before we all have to move, I have to get Leo to kindergarten and Dutch has work so we all get dressed and sorted quickly before heading down for breakfast.

As we finish off the lovely breakfast Annabelle has made us Dutch reminds me of something. "Vanessa dont forget it's the grand opening of Johnny and Mike's dojo tonight." He sees me roll my eyes.

"Babe I know you dont want to go but we did promise Johnny that we would go and see it and then go out for a meal with them to celebrate. I've got to go and you should be there too."

"Yes, yes I know, I'll go for Johnny."

"Can I come to see the dojo?" Leo pipes up he does love to be involved especially if it has something to do with Johnny and Dutch which is why I know it will be hard to get away this weekend but that's another problem for another day.

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