post date troubles

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September 1984

The next morning Vanessa was woken up abruptly by her mom knocking at her door telling her Emily was on the phone.

"I'm so angry at you, Ness why didn't you call me last night I was waiting up for ages"

I filled her in on the events of the night and also about my darling mother going psycho at the end and ruining the night for me and that being the reason I was too upset to call her when I got home.

"Sorry about your mom, but you always knew she wasnt going to be okay with her little baby dating, she will come around though.The important thing here is that you had your first kiss and with a total hottie lucky you, remember that freak who I had my first kiss with definitely not one to tell the grandkids about" she chuckled 

"Ah yes I remember it well, Barry who kissed like a washing machine. Well you've more than made up for it now kissed many a hottie since then and I mean many many" I teased

"Alright, we cant all be the Virgin Mary, you little prude, lets see how prudish you remain now your with the sex god of west valley high"

I know Emily was teasing as she always did but she struck a chord that time as I did worry that my lack of experience and also fear of intimacy would be a total turnoff to someone as experienced as Dutch. His and the Cobras exploits were well known throughout school which is why I was still baffled at his interest in me.

We said goodbye and I promised we would hang out tomorrow to give her the full lowdown on my second date with Dutch.

I got up then, made breakfast and was reading by our pool when my mom came storming outside with a face like thunder.

"There is a boy on the phone for you? Why is there a boy calling the house Vanessa? you are so lucky your father never answered that call as you would have some serious explaining to do."

"Jeez mom calm down, he Is just a boy from school, stop overreacting"

"Watch your attitude young lady, you take that phone call then come into the den it's about time me and you had a serious conversation."

I grab the phone trying to hide my excitement from her, but I'm very aware that she is still close by as I start to speak.

"Hey is Vanessa" I say brightly.

"Hey Babe its Dutch, your mom didn't sound too happy with me calling, i hope i haven't got you into any trouble."

"Oh it's ok she is always that crabby" I try to joke "Did you have a good time at Karate."

"Yeah good thanks, do you still want to meet up today?" He said sounding hopeful.

"Yeah of course I do" 

"Brilliant, i was thinking let's go to the arcade, then grab some food before maybe going for a ride to the beach, what do you think?"

" Sounds good to me" i say trying to act calm but inside my stomach is doing little flip flops.

"Right well I need to freshen up and grab some things so I'll be over to pick you up in about 30 minutes"

"Um Dutch, I hate to ask but if you are coming over on your bike, can I ask you to pick me up at the end of the street by Bobby's house, my parents are at home today and I just dont want to deal with the drama" I feel so stupid asking this.

"No that's fine, dont want you getting in trouble, so I'll see you outside Bobby's in about 30 minutes then." 

We say goodbye and I feel so happy at the thought of seeing him and being alone with him again. Then it hits me I've got to deal with the dragon lady first.

As I walk into the den, I see her sitting at the table drumming her long red manicured nails on the table. My mother was a beautiful woman, with her long black curls cascading down her back and huge blue eyes but she always had this look on her face like she had a vile smell under her nose, which pinched up her features. If she ever smiled it would soften her features and she would be stunning but she rarely ever smiles these days. 

" So who is this boy that's ringing my house, got my daughter lying to us and violating her in his car." I roll my eyes at that last comment.

"Mother please, he is just a boy from school, he comes from a good family, you even know his parents from the country club Major And Mrs Dutch"

"Hmm so it's the boy with the dyed blonde hair, he doesn't strike me as the type of boy you would be interested in."

"How would you know my type, we have literally never spoken about boys and I've never dated a boy before and I'm now a senior"

"Are you seeing him today? Is that what you were arranging?"

"Yes mom I wont lie to you again, we are going to golf and stuff for the day then for something to eat"

"Well I cant say that I approve of this at all, Vanessa this is an important year for you, and you are off to college next fall. This is not the time to be distracted by boys you have too much too lose"

"Mom it's just a date with a boy, it's really not a big deal, I'm still doing well at school and my end goals will never change what ever happens with him. Look mom he will be here shortly and I've got to get ready to go meet him, I've arranged to meet him down the road by the Browns house as I dont want to set dad off as well."

" Wait is he in that motorcycle gang with the Brown boy"

I laugh out loud at this " yes mom he rides a bike but there not exactly hells angels"

" I better not see you get on that bike Vanessa, and I mean it, I will keep this between the two of us for now, but if hear your grades are slipping or i spot a change in your behaviour I'm getting your dad involved and ending this, do you hear me?"

I just nodded and agreed with her, and I wondered if she ever had fun when she was young and what her and dad were like when they were first in love and it scared me that I could well be her especially how tightly wound up I could be sometimes. Emily was right I do need to let my hair down more and have fun while I was young.

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