She did what?

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November 1984

Dutch dropped me off at home, well down the road from my house anyway. We've made arrangements for me to pick him up at the dojo in just over an hour, we kiss and say goodbye. It hurts to leave him even though I know I will be seeing him soon, and that's when i know I've got it bad as i just cant bare to not be around him, I feel empty and that scares me quite frankly.

I have a shower, pack some fresh things and explain to my dad my plans to have a movie and pizza day/night round at Emily's. My dad accepts this and says it's ok, but I can see my mom isnt really convinced as she eyes me suspiciously.

I run upstairs and ring Emily while I'm waiting to go.
"Hey honey, I'm so sorry I didn't call you last night?"

"Its ok, I kind of figured you would be with Dutch as he went looking for you after he got back into the gym"

I filled her in on our argument and run in with the guys on the street.

"Honestly Ness, that scares me, that boy has a temper a really bad temper and I just hope he knows how to keep it in check, as I would hate to have to kill him if he ever laid a finger on you."

"I dont believe he would, but yeah it was scary to witness, um something else happened last night and this morning but I cant say over the phone."

"Oh my god are you telling me youre no longer a virgin"

"Oh no, no we didn't go that far, but we definitely need a catch up so I can fill you in on the gory details. Are you free tomorrow? I'm staying at his tonight but free tomorrow"

"Um yeah" she sounds a bit sheepish "I'll be over at Bobby's tonight so we can meet up tomorrow then"

"Wait, what? What happened last night then."

She told me that, she took Bobby back to hers last night as he had gotten hurt in that fight and didn't want to go home bloody and in pain. They had spent the night together and again she said we can catch up on all the juicy details tomorrow.

She was going to Bobby's tonight when he gets back from karate and I'm so pleased that these two are together they really do compliment each other. Plus double dating with them two is always fun.

"Hey I've got an idea, I'll run it by Dutch first but I'm sure he wont mind, let's see if we can all meet up tomorrow and hang over at his place, he said his parents arent back till late sunday, so we have the whole place to ourselves, and honestly the house is amazing it will be fun."

"Sounds good to me, let me know but either way we will still hang out."

She pauses "Look I know I dont need to tell you this, but I know that bitch Crystal is still in your head, I want you to be safe and careful, only do what you feel comfortable with, but I seriously dont think Dutch is using you, you can trust him. If you had of seen how scared he looked when he came into that gym to find that you had gone, he looked terrified, like he had lost you, that's not how someone would act if they were just using you."

This does make me feel better about things, I do need to deal with my issues and I might just be open and honest with him about all this Crystal bullshit so I can get a proper read on things.

We say our goodbyes and I finish getting ready, and then head over to the dojo. I'm a bit early so pull up outside and just put the radio on.

Then I see something that baffles my brain, Daniel and another man come walking out of the cobra kai dojo what the fuck is that about. He looks in a bad way, they beat him pretty bad and I cant help but feel a pang of guilt about that. Daniel catches my eye and then quickly looks away, he knows I'm Dutchs girl and we definitely arent friends even though he knows I'm friendly with Ali.

After about 10 minutes I see the boys come out, shit Johnny has a black eye, Tommy has his arm in a sling. What the hell happened in that fight last night. I wave at the guys, they wave back but only Bobby comes over to say hi.

I greet Dutch with a kiss and say hi to Bobby. " Hey Bobby, hows it going? How was last night?" I say with a cheeky smile.

He just laughs at me, but the mood changes when I ask them why Daniel was at the dojo. Apparently they have been told to leave him alone and that the idiot actually believes he can take them all on at the all valley karate tournament. Honestly that dude is crazy.

I tell Dutch my idea about us all meeting up tomorrow at his and he loves this idea too. So we arrange to see Bobby and Emily tomorrow afternoon. Dutch gets into the car and then we head off to his for our night alone together and I'm so excited I can barely contain myself.

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