Just What we needed.

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November 2005

Its nearly Thanksgiving and I'm getting Leo's things all packed up to go stay with Danny's parents for 2 weeks. I'm nearly in tears as I'm sorting things it doesn't make it any easier that Leo doesn't want to go, but what can I do I have to abide my the rules.

We have become a real happy family here, and I can see why Leo doesn't want to leave but he is happy when he finds out he will be coming home with Emily at the end of the 2 weeks.

Emily is bringing him back as her divorce is settled, house is sold so she can finally move back to Encino. Plus it means I know Leo will be safe and will come home as I still didnt trust that Danny will let Leo come back. Danny's parents will come and get him from us in a few days so need to get straight before he goes.

I'm annoyed at Emily though as she sounded way to pleased that Mike Barnes was back in town seriously her taste in men was questionable at the best of times, but going with my cousin really is scraping the barrel.

I feel stressed out, really under the weather, tired and drained so I've booked myself into the drs today as I think I need some iron tablets or something.

Dutch is coming with me so that he can watch Leo while i go in and see the Dr as everyone else is busy today.

I tell the Dr all that I'm feeling and that maybe it's just because of all what's going on with my ex and Leo going away for Thanksgiving. He takes my blood pressure, does a urine sample and gives me a full body check over due to my age. He finds out what the issue is with me quite quickly and can see by the look of disbelief in my face this was not the news I was expecting. He books me in with the OBGYN in a weeks time and now I have to go outside and play it cool until me and Dutch are alone.

We get back home and I get Leo a snack and put the computer on for him so he can play Mario Kart which will distract him long enough.

"So Babe, are you gonna tell me what's wrong? You are starting to worry me. What did the Dr say?" He says while leaning against the kitchen counter eating an apple.

"He said that theres nothing to worry about, in fact we should start celebrating?"

"Celebrating? Why?" He now looks very confused.

"Well because you are going to be a daddy, that's why?"

His face is a priceless picture, he then starts to cry "Really, Vanessa dont fuck with me, are you for real?"

"Of course I wouldnt lie about something like this, are you happy?"

He clears the space between us and picks me up and twirls me around, and lands a huge kiss on my face. "I am so happy its unreal, it's all I ever wanted, it's not how I planned it, I wanted to marry you first but when have we ever done things in the right order."

"Well you only have to ask we still have time" I say smiling.

"Hmmm we shall see?" Showing me that lopsided smile that drives me wild.

We are still cuddling when his parents walk into the kitchen and see that we are also crying.

"What's happened is everything ok?" He mom says looking worried.

I give him the nod that it's ok to tell them so they can share in our joy.

"We just found out that we are having a baby" he says while squeezing me.

His mom screams and pulls me into a hug. His dad actually starts to cry I cant believe it. We are all so happy right now.

"We need to keep it between us four for now as I dont want Leo to know yet incase he tells Danny and his parents while he is away, plus I'm unsure of how far gone I am, that's what they can tell me at the OBGYN appointment and obviously with everything that happened before I just want a nice easy stress free pregnancy."

We all agree to keep it secret but plan to go out for a meal tonight to celebrate the news. Everything is just going perfect for us.

We arrive at the country club all dressed up ready to celebrate our good news. They all order champagne and toast to us and our future. Leo bless him hasn't got a clue what's going on and just looks bored.

I take Leo to the toilet, when we get out of the cubicle I help him wash his hands and i hear someone say "Vanessa, is that you?" I turn around and I'm face to face with my Mother, she looks the same just as glam just as miserable.

"Hi, wow how are you?" I just dont know what to say or how to act I just want to run far away from here. I didnt even think for a second that I would bump into my parents here.

I see her eyeing Leo, she has never met him or bothered to contact me for all this time. "He looks just like you Vanessa, he is a beautiful boy, I didnt know that you had come back to town?"

"Thank you, he is lovely and yeah I've been back here 2 months now, I'm living back with Major and Mrs Dutch"

"What You are back with Chad Dutch i thought you were with this boys dad?" She says pointing rudely at Leo.

"Yeah well a lot can change in people's lives when you dont speak for years.Nice to see you again, come on Leo lets go before your food gets cold."

"Who is that mama?" Leo says giving my mom the side eye boy he really does look like me sometimes.

"Noone honey just someone from Mamas past." I say as I lead him out of the door.

"Vanessa" she says as she follows me "look now your back in town I would really like it if we could meet up for lunch one day"

"Yeah ok" I give her my number pretty sure I wont be holding my breath for her call. Then I head back to our table and tell them all just what has happened.

"Dont let her kill the mood tonight Babe, we are happy we are celebrating and they dont deserve to know you and Leo we are all the family you need. Mom do you want to tell Vanessa the news now?"

"What news?" I say helping Leo cut up his meat.

"Well we were gonna wait to tell you guys but it seems like the perfect night to celebrate things. Me and David have decided that we are going to downsize and we want to move over to Malibu and buy ourselves a house right on the beach to retire in."

"Oh how lovely for you two, on the beach will be perfect and you know we will all love to visit."

"Well that's not just it, we want you and Chad to have our Encino house to raise your family in." His dad says.

"What really? Oh my, are you sure?" I'm literally gobsmacked right now.

"Yeah it's our gift to you two, it's the perfect place to raise your family, and you and Leo are so settled there anyway it just makes sense."

I start to cry again, it's clearly a day for celebrating and crying. We hug each other and I finally feel that everything is slotting into place for us. Me and Dutch can finally be the family that I always dreamed in my head we would be.

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