Halloween Prep

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October 1984

So October rolls round and everything is still going well with me and Dutch. I never did mention the run in with Crystal, and as far as I knew Bobby hadn't said anything to him either. It didn't mean that I had forgotten what them vile trolls had said to me, and if I was totally honest it did have a huge impact on me. I tried to not let it get to me but whenever we were alone and I could feel things getting hot and heavy, I totally freezed and always ending up putting on the brakes and pulling away from him. 

In truth I was petrified that they were right and if I did take it any further, I would lose him, but then I was scared that because I was acting so frigid maybe he was going to start looking elsewhere if he hadn't already. Not that he was putting pressure on me at all but seriously how long could a guy like Dutch go without any release of any kind.

Dutch picked me up for school as was our normal routine now and asked me if I was going to stay after school with him and  everyone today as he was on the Halloween committee. I agreed to stay as anytime I can spend with Dutch is a bonus in my book.

After school I also convince Emily to stay with me as well, her arm doesn't really need much twisting when I tell her Bobby will be staying over as well.

"So Emily, have you have you decided what you are wearing for the Halloween dance?" Bobby asked her

"Yeah me and Ness have got something planned, but we dont want to give anything away yet" she says with a cheeky wink "what about you?"

"Me and the guys, are going as skeletons" he says with a smile.

As Emily turns away to grab some more decorations for the table. I lean in and whisper to Bobby. "So are you going to ask her to the dance or not?" I gently rib Bobby while giving him a nudge. 

"I will, I was going to ask her as soon as we finish here and when we didn't have an audience." He said pushing me back.

I'm so pleased as I know Emily had been desperate for him to ask her especially since they have been getting closer in the past few weeks.

Me and Dutch walk over to the stage area and start planning on where the banners are going to hang. He starts to look a bit sheepish like he really wants  to ask me something but doesn't know how too. "Dutch are you alright, you've zoned out over there."

"Yeah I just wanted to ask you something, but I didn't know how?"

"Ah sweetie, just ask me, what's wrong."

"I wanted to ask if on the night of the dance, you wanted to stay over my house. My parents are away for the weekend and I thought it would be nice just to spend the night together, I mean totally no pressure on you. I just thought it would be nice to not have to say goodbye at the end of the evening."

"Yeah, I would love that, I'll just tell my mom and dad that im staying over at Emily's, as I'll be getting ready at hers anyway."

He is literally beaming at this news. "Really brilliant, well me and Bobby will come and pick you girls up then as let's face it we know them two will end up going together when he gets his shit together and finally asks her."

We finish up in the gym for that day and say our goodbyes as me and Dutch do our usual routine of taking a detour to the beach on our way home, so we can make out in the sand for abit without anybody else around. I adore these quiet moments when it's just us kissing and hugging and he is so different without the others around. 

I'm a bit apprehensive about staying over at Dutchs house on halloween but it will be nice to be able to be alone in a house with him, where we dont have to hide from my parents and be able to wake up next to that handsome face.

I get home have an awkward dinner with my darling parents then head up to my room to complete my homework. The phone rings and it's an excited Emily on the phone. 

"Oh my god Ness, Bobby finally asked me to go to the dance with him, can you believe it, I literally never thought he would ask me."

"Well we knew he would, he just needed to pluck up abit of courage and be sure you'd say yes, i dont think he would take rejection very well" To be fair i dont think any of the Cobras would.

I tell her Dutchs plan to pick us from her house on the night with Bobby in tow and that he has asked me to stay the night at his.

"That is huge, are you going to stay with him?"

"Yeah I was going to, if that's alright with you?"

"Yeah of course it is, just make sure you are comfortable and dont let him force you to do anything you dont want to do."

"Oh no I wont, and he really hasn't been like that with me, which I'm shocked at as I've literally been so frigid with him cant believe he isnt bored of me already."

"That's because he really cares about you, ya dummy but just be careful and be safe ok, I know your still worried about what them bitches said, but if Dutch does really care for you he will wait for you to be ready" she reassures me. "But I'm telling you now when he sees you in your costume he is going to have a hard time controlling himself" she laughs out loud at this.

We say goodbye and I do start to feel nervous as I'm unsure what Dutch will expect of me and I literally dont know anything about sex, well not things i haven't learnt from a biology book and sex education anyway. What if I'm just a total disappointment to him and that just sends him packing back to Crystal. Ugh I try to go to sleep before I send myself insane.

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