Making Friends

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September 1984.

Vanessa is fuming, as she leaves Emily's house on monday morning. Emily decided that getting wasted on a sunday night with that smug college prick Mike would be a good idea, now she is ditching to catch up on her sleep. She wanted me to ditch with her which was tempting as the thought of being at school all day by myself sounded like torture but I did have science on Monday morning and I was still confused by what happened between me and Dutch on friday night so the sadistic part of my nature wanted to probe that further and see how he acted towards me today.

As I park up, I see the familiar row of bikes so know they are all here today and my stomach does a weird flip floppy thing and I hate myself for feeling this way.

I walk into the science class, take my seat nervously nibbling on the end of my pencil waiting for his predictably late arrival. In he walks with Johnny, they both see me and Johnny whispers something to him and they both burst out laughing. Ok now I'm pissed.

He sits down in silence, and I refuse to look up at him. The teacher lays out the plans for the lesson, and we have the test tubes in front of us ready to do today's experiments. I decide to just get on with it and start prepping the liquids in the tubes, willing my hands to not shake. "Dont bite my head off" he pipes up "but doesn't test tube b supposed to have that blue liquid in it"

Shit he is right, I'm too flustered and now I've made an error. He stands up to get a clean tube from the front "Vanessa I can help you know I'm not totally useless" he says as he starts to set up the rest of the tubes. "Thank you" I reply curtly

"Look Vanessa I owe you an apology for Friday, I misread the situation and acted like a dick."

"Its ok, forget it, wait, what do you mean misread the situation?" I turned round to face him, bad idea as I was now staring straight into his huge brown, puppy eyes, and he gave me a lopsided smile. "Never mind, I just thought we were getting a little flirty"
I let out a nervous laugh which he obviously took the wrong way as he actually looked a bit hurt. I'm guessing no girl has ever turned down him down, and he would clearly just assume that any girl would be flirting if they were talking to him.<

We carried on with the experiment and fell into an easy conversation about school and random things when the bell rang I was actually a little sad.

At lunch I grabbed my stuff and found a table on my own outside as it was a nice sunny day , I put some led zeppelin on my Walkman and was enjoying the peace and sunshine when I saw Dutch and Bobby approaching my table. They both sat down and I took my headphones off clearly looking confused.

"Hey Vanessa, you know Bobby dont you? You dont mind us sitting here with you, do you?"

"Um No, that's fine I'm nearly done anyway so I'll leave you guys to it"

"Dont be stupid" states Bobby "Any friend of Dutchs is my friend, sit and have lunch with us, the rest of the guys will be joining us soon if that's ok with you"

I let the friend comment go, as I dont know how I feel about that and the thought of all the Cobras sitting at my table makes me feel odd as people are already looking over.

Johnny, Jimmy and Tommy are walking over, Johnny looks pissed and is ranting something about Ali sitting having lunch with that new kid Daniel. They all sit down, then its Tommy that notices the extra at the table first.

" Hey, I didn't know we were allowing girls at the table now"

" Be nice Tommy" Bobby nudges him " This is Dutchs new friend and she is allowing us to sit at her table" he smiles at he reassuringly as he says this.

Johnny is just glaring at me and I can see theres tension and he obviously wants to discuss something but doesn't think he can while I'm around the table so I just try to finish up so I can make a quick exit.

" hey where are you going" Dutch says as I stand up.

"Look I've got things to do and I really feel that I'm not welcome here, so I'll just see you tomorrow in class ok? He looks a little sad and as I walk away I hear Tommy making a comment about that they have scared me away and laughing about it, and Johnny makes a comment about he doesn't even know why Dutch is wasting his time with me. Seriously what is that guys problem.

After school is finished I walk out to see Dutch waiting by my car.
"Hey Doll, I just wanted to apologise about the guys at lunch"

"Its ok, theres obviously something going on with Johnny and I like Ali so I dont want to get in the middle of all that anyway"

"Are you doing anything now?"

" um no I was just gonna go home, why?"

"I thought we could go for a ride to the beach"

My heart was slamming in my chest, a part of me just wanted to get in my car and drive away but then there was a little pull in my chest, a curious itch that demanded to be scratched.

"Ok shall I follow you in my car or do you want a lift there"

"Nah we will take my bike, Bobby left his spare helmet for you, I'll drop you back here after as I've got karate later on this evening anyway"


"Ok that's fine then, wait Bobby left his helmet, how did you know I would agree"

He just answered with a cheeky smile and lead me to his bike.

"Hold on to me tight ok" he said as he helped me clip up the helmet and I realised he was so close and I wasnt breathing. I straddled the bike and rested my head on to his back and I held on to him tight. Jeez he smelt and felt so good that I felt myself smiling and closing my eyes. As I turned my head to the side and opened my eyes, I caught susan and Barbara staring open mouthed at me. Great this will be spread like wild fire around school by tomorrow. Oh well that's a worry for another day. Right now I'm just going to enjoy the ride to the beach and the roar of his engine and live in this moment. Emily is gonna be so pissed that she ditched today.

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