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Halloween 2005

I'm waiting downstairs patiently dressed as Elvira, waiting for the boys to come down as we are heading trick or treating then we are going to Susan's house for her Halloween party.

I'm readjusting my boobs in the mirror I'm determined to send Dutch wild tonight. Since he put Danny in his place we have gone from strength to strength, and without saying anything Leo seems to have accepted that we are a couple, the only problem is I now have to fight Leo for Dutchs attention, he even keeps sneaking into our bed to snuggle between us. What can I say we both just love that guy so much.

Danny has left us alone as I thought but he does ring to speak to Leo and I have arranged for him to go to Denver for 2 weeks in November and spend Thanksgiving with them, even though that breaks my heart to think of him away from me for that long at least  it means we get to spend our first Christmas together as a family that was the deal we made.

"Come on guys we are gonna miss all the good candy."

"Close your eyes Mama" Leo shouts as I hear them walking down the stairs. I close my eyes and wait for them to tell me to look.

"Open your eyes Babe." I cant believe it they are in matching skeleton costumes just like Dutch wore in 84.

"Oh my god, you boys look amazing" I say picking up Leo and spinning him around. "You are so gonna get all the candy tonight little man."

Leo goes to show his costume to Eve and David in the kitchen and Dutch pulls me to him "Fucking hell what are you doing to me babe, I cant get a boner in this costume it's very unforgiving." He says readjusting himself in his costume. "You are in so much trouble later I'm gonna bury myself in them tits"

"Shhh" I say giggling and as Leo and his parents are just about to be within earshot I whisper to him " my outfit is unforgiving too that's why I'm not wearing any underwear" he nearly gets whiplash as he turns to stare at me open mouthed and this just makes me laugh harder.

We are out on the street trick or treating for about an hour and already his bucket is full, he is really enjoying himself as we never went trick or treating as a family in Denver it was just always me and Leo.

We then make our way a few blocks over trick or treating on the way to get to Susan's. We arrive there and already the party is in full swing. All the Cobra guys are there too, Leo runs into the other room where the little kids are having their own little Halloween party.

We have been there for about an hour and I'm sitting on Dutchs lap on the sofa with the rest of the Cobras when Susan comes over and says "Guys I've got someone who I think you would like to meet he is a karate champion so would have a lot in common with you guys, this is Mike Barnes"

They all say hi and I say "oh my god Mike, long time no see" I stand up to give him a hug and they all look really confused.

"Fucking hell is that you Vanessa, jeez it has been a long time, hows things?" He says returning the hug.

Dutch pulls me back on to his lap "Um so how do you two know each other?" His little jealous side rearing its ugly head and I'm not ashamed to say I kind of like it.

"Calm down, handsome Mike is my cousin, we are both the black sheeps of our family so that's something we have in common" I say making me and Mike laugh, and i see Dutch now relaxes seeing this guy is no threat to him.

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