learning to relax

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September 1984

We arrived at the beach far too quickly for my liking, Dutch said he knew a quiet spot away from where everyone was gathering and I followed him down to the sand.

He threw himself down on the sand and patted the spot next to him while giving me a cheeky lopsided smile. I sat down so awkwardly and cursed my stupid long limbs, why couldn't I be graceful and dainty like Emily. I sat down and was fidgeting, then I realised I hadn't spoke in what felt like an eternity. Vanessa for gods sake speak, say something, it's time like this I really envied Emily,  she is always at ease with the opposite sex, flirty confident I just ooze naivety and awkwardness.

Dutch let's out a laugh and says "Jeez Vanessa do you ever just allow yourself to relax, get comfortable, chill"

"I can chill" I say and try to lie down on the sand with my hands behind my head.

"Oh yeah you look so comfortable their babe" he takes off his jacket, folds it up and places it under my head. "There much better" he says as he smiles at me. He leans back beside me and I cant help but notice his tshirt has rode up slightly and I can see a flash of tanned skin as I try to keep my cool and avert my eyes quickly.

We both lie there in silence for a bit just enjoying the late afternoon sun. Then finally I find my voice as curiosity gets the better of me.

"Dutch, not that I dont appreciate the gesture, but im curious how come youve asked me to come here with you?"

He turned on his side to face me, and as i looked into them brown eyes, which i just noticed had a fleck of gold in them and felt my breath catch in my throat.

"Do I really have to have an agenda? I just wanted to hang out with you away from the others and without a science book in sight" he teased.

"we have literally never spoken two words to each other before this year started, and then all of a sudden you want to hang with me it just seems odd thats all."

He let out an annoyed huff  "jeez why do you always do that? as soon as we start getting along you always got to start something"

"im not starting" i say defensively "I just cant help but feel weird about it, im not an idiot Dutch, you may not have noticed me before now, but i know what you and the cobras are like and i know im not the type of girl you usually hang out with"

"yeah you know what Vanessa your right, you arent the usual type of girl i hang out with, but thats a good thing, yeah i did make a judgment on you before getting to know you, but that first day when we got paired together and you gave me some proper sass I loved it. Believe me not many people get away with calling me an asshole but when you said it, it actually turned me on and I wanted to get to know you more after that"

I burst into fits of laughter. "you are crazy you know that, only you would take insults as a come one."

We fell into an easy conversation after that, talking about people at school, karate, what music we liked, films we enjoyed. He was surprisingly easy to talk to which shocked me i never belived that he would have this side to him and it was nice to see him be so chilled without the Cobras around. I gathered that he felt like he had to act a certain way when they were around and put on an act as if thats what was expected of him. 

Before we knew it a few hours had passed, "Shit, look at the time im going to be late for Karate and my sensei does not like people being late" he jumps up quickly dusting the sand of his jeans.

we head back to the school so i can pick up my car. "Look im sorry ive got to rush off, but i really enjoyed myself this afternoon, Would i be able to take you on a real date, again just the two of us maybe friday night?"

"yeah you know what, i enjoyed myself too, youve really surprised me today, so yeah I would love to go on a date with you"

"shit really" he is literally beaming as he says this "brilliant we can arrange times and that later, but its definelty a date, you cant back out now" he chuckles

I promised I wouldnt, as i said goodbye and watched him ride off.

As soon as i got home i ran upstairs to call Emily, I had to fill her in on everything that she missed out on today she was gonna go crazy.

"oh my god you little slut, i leave you alone for one day and you head off on a motorbike to feel up the bleached blonde bad boy in the sand" she said mockingly.

"i didnt feel him up, or touch him in anyway well apart from hugging him on the motorbike obviously, but it was nice, and we are arranging to go out on a date for Friday"

"This is perfect, i will come to yours on friday and help you get dressed for the date, as lets face it I cant trust you to dress yourself"

"you mean bitch" I laughed but i couldnt argue with her I had never been on a date in my life and really hadnt got a clue what i was supposed to wear.

"Ugh Vanessa, how are you going to explain this to your parents though, as they will literally barricade the door if they see Dutch walk up to the house expecting to take their precious princess out for a night of debauchary" 

My parents were literally the strictest in the world and would never condone me dating, especially someone like Dutch "ive thought of that, but they are usually at the country club on a friday so ill just ask him to come here after im sure they have gone out"

"oh you little rebel, I cant wait for this, do me a favour though, tomorrow at school lets try and get them to sit by us for lunch again, work your magic just so i can be close enough to Johnny just to smell him for a bit" after I laughed alot at this and called her a sicko we ended the phone call after i promised i would do all i could to help her.

That night i fell into an easy sleep finally happy with the way things were going in my life and praying that friday would just hurry up and arrive.

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