Life is what happens, when youre busy making other plans.

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May 1985

It's the first day back at school for me and Dutch, his parents pulled some strings and got me re enrolled at West Valley High. Not that I was looking forward to going back, me and Dutch had fallen into a lovely daily routine of playing house, swimming in the pool, and getting the house ready for the baby. 

I was nervous about facing everyone at school with my big bump but everyone knew anyway its just my own insecurities pushing through. Plus with the boys and Emily on my side I knew no one would actually say shit to me.

The alarm goes off and I feel Dutch all wrapped around me with his hands on my bump and i just could lie here forever. I turn to face him "Morning Handsome, it's time to get up?"

"No its not we have plenty of time" he says snuggling in closer and giving me a soft sweet kiss. I cant describe how happy I am to be back in his arms our past dramas just a distant memory.

We finally manage to get out of bed and get ready for school. I wear my baggy Led Zeppelin t shirt and his denim shirt open up over it I love it as it smells of him and will keep me comforted all day.

We head to school, in his car as there is no way I can ride passenger on the back of his bike at the moment. 

I notice a few people staring as we walk up to school but I suppose we are hot topic of gossip at the moment the bad boy fresh out of juvie and his knocked up girlfriend who was kicked out by her parents. Yeah definitely the juiciest thing to happen at West Valley for a while.

I'm sitting in class when I start to feel really weird, I have a sharp shooting pain up my abdomen, like someone is sticking a hot poker in my belly button. I feel hot and sick. I put up my hand to ask for a bathroom pass, trust this to happen in the only class that I dont have any of my friends in.

I walk out to go to the toilet and I dont make it very far when the pain shoots again and it's so intense that it makes me crumple to the floor.

"Vanessa, Vanessa are you ok?" I look up to see Daniel Larusso of all people.

"Shit, Daniel no I'm not I'm in alot of pain, I'm struggling to breathe, can you help get me to the nurses office."

"Um yeah sure, do you mind if I help you stand up" he asks as he awkwardly tries to grab me and help me to my feet.

We stumble along slowly the pain is increasing with every footstep I take.

As we are about to enter the nurses office, he steps through the door and goes to leave I dont know why but maybe it was just needing someone to be there with me but I turn to him and say "Daniel I'm scared, please dont leave me alone, I know you and Dutch have your issues but please I'm terrified." 

He looks concerned by this after all its Dutch, and I'm Dutchs girl, but then he knows he would have to put his problems and beef aside to help one of Alis friends and he could tell something was really wrong.

The nurse takes one look at me and calls an ambulance she gets me to lie down while we wait Dutchs mom is contacted as she is now listed as my guardian at school, Dutch is also called over the tannoy to come to the nurses office immediately. 

The pain is so intense now the tears are falling hard and heavy down my face. Daniel bless his heart is still holding my hand and rubbing my back.

The nurses office bursts open with force, and Dutch comes running through, the look of panic on his face soon turns to anger when he sees Daniel, holding and comforting me.

"Get the fuck off her Larusso"

"Hey man calm down I was the one, who found and brought her here, I stayed as she was scared"

"Dutch please, now is not the time to be a dick, I asked Daniel to stay with me as I didn't want to be left alone" I say between sobs and reaching out to him.

Daniel gives Dutch a sad look and takes this as his cue to leave.

The ambulance crew arrive and take me out through the corridors on a stretcher. It all just feels wrong I feel wrong and I cant remember the last time I felt the baby kick or move and I'm really worried now.

We get to the hospital and I'm taken straight through into a room while he waits for his parents and has to check me in.

The doctor comes in to me and it doesn't take him long to find out what's wrong. The baby has no heartbeat. Theres nothing he can do for us. The worst is yet to come as I'm 7 months gone I will have to give birth to our poor baby.

All, this trauma and having to go through with the birth and we dont get to keep our little boy, oh bless our little boy. He looks so beautiful and peaceful just like a sleeping angel. Dutch comes in but he cant bear to look at me or the baby before they take him away from us.

I hear his mom shouting at him outside the door.

"You need to go in there and be a man for her, she needs you right now so you need to be strong son"

And that's all it takes for me to finally break I cant deal with this, why cant we just get a break.

I must have passed out from all the meds the hospital put me on as when I finally come round I see Dutch just sitting in the chair by the bed just staring into the distance.

"Hey babe you're awake." He says softly.

"Yeah sorry was I out long" i try not to look at my deflated tummy as i just cant deal with it.

"Nah you've been in an out for a while I think they've got you on some good stuff"

I reach for him to come close and he gets up and sits on the bed holding my hand.

"Chad I'm so sorry, im so sorry I lost our baby"

His eyes already red, started to fill up again " Dont babe, don't do that none of it was your fault it was just pure shit luck"

" we seem to be having a run of that dont you think? Why us? Are we such bad people, why cant things just go right for us" my voice cracks and he just holds me while we both just breakdown onto each other.

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