The Letter

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February 1985

I sit on the bed, finally building up the courage to open the letter from Dutch, I know what I want the letter to say, but if it doesn't give me the answers that I want and need what can I do. Once I've read it and know how he really feels, I have decisions to make but what does it matter i still dont think my parents will ever let me come home.

Plus I'm still pissed at him, if only he had of just spoke to me after the tournament and I cant get the picture of him kissing that bitch Crystal out of my head. Ugh it's just too much to handle especially as i consider I have a little life growing inside of me a little part of Dutch, fluttering around in my stomach making this all the more difficult for us.

I finally open the letter and see his familiar scrawl and I can help but smile as tears prick my eyes.


I'm not good at these type of things and you know words and feelings definitely arent my strong point. I have so much to say to you but unsure of where to start. Bobby suggested that I write you a letter and get all the things I want to say out of my system even if I dont actually send the letter, I dont know he just seems to be really good at these things.

I think the first thing I need to say to you is that I'm sorry, sorry for everything. For the way I spoke to you, for grabbing you and for just being a total dick to you in general after the tournament. If only we had of spoke then you would never have gone away.

You have to understand something though. Leading up to and during the tournament Kreese was in my head, trying to wind me up, getting me angry, pushing and pushing me. Everytime I failed he called me weak and said it was your fault that my love for you was causing me to be less of a man, less of a fighter.

So when I lost at the tournament to fucking Daniel that little weakling I just knew Kreese would kill me for that. When I saw what he did to Johnny after the tournament ended I knew he would lose it at me too and I'm not afraid to admit I was scared.

Then Daniel's mentor Mr Miyagi came over and humiliated Kreese and I finally saw him for what he was a coward and everything I believed in came crashing down around me. I knew we would have to leave Cobra Kai after that so I felt I lost everything in a few short hours.

Then you got in my face demanding that I talk to you, when I just needed time to think and breathe. That's when I  did the stupidest thing I have ever done, I took out all my anger and aggression on you, the one person that would have helped me and made me feel better. 

Now I know what you wanted to talk to me about that night, I feel so shit as what you were dealing with that made what I was going through seem like nothing. I'm sorry I let you down and let you deal with this all alone when you and the baby are my responsibility.

The baby, I cant believe you are pregnant with my baby. I never thought of being a dad or that I could be a dad but with you by my side I feel I could do anything.

I've let you down so far, but I want you to know that I'll never let you down again, that's if you are willing to give us another chance that is?

I've spoke to my parents and although they were shocked at first they adore you especially my mom and she wants to help and support us through all of this. They want to speak to your parents and get you back home everyone knows about the baby now anyway so it doesn't make sense for you to be hidden away.

I want to be with you, and I want to raise our baby together, I will prove I'm serious I'll get my head straight while in here, I'll get cleaned up, I'll come out, graduate then get a job to support us I promise you.

My mom would like you to call her, if that's ok with you they really do want to support us and they are on our side.

I better get finished now so I can get this letter in the mail, I'm putting it in Bobby's envelope as he said he will get it to you for me. You can reply and write to me in here if you wanted to I would like that alot whatever your decision is.

I just want to finish off by saying, I will never be able to make it up to you for what I did and said that night, and I cant forgive myself for letting you go or letting you down but know this I will try and make it up to you and our baby for as long as we both live.

I love you more than anything.

Yours Forver



I read and re-read the letter which now is smudged with my tears. I take a minute to gather myself and then I pick up the phone and dial Dutchs number to speak to his mom.

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