Here's to the Future

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September 1985

So the day has finally come I'm heading off to college, across the state to start on my path to become a doctor. I'm equal parts excited and sad, this is what I've always wanted but the thought of leaving Dutch just breaks my heart.

We pack up my car, Dutchs mom is already in tears as she is loading things in my car bless her, she gives me a big squeeze and then leaves me and Dutch to say goodbye in private.

We kiss each other and we both start to cry again.

"Sorry babe, I dont want to cry and ruin our goodbye" he says holding me tight.

"Its not goodbye, stop saying that i will see you every other weekend and holidays we will talk on the phone all the time" he breaks my flow with another kiss.

"Babe, I know , it's just I dont want you to feel bad about going off and chasing your dreams"

"We will make it work wont we? We have to,  I just cant imagine my life without you in it." I'm totally losing it now.

"Hey dont get upset, i ain't going anywhere. Im yours forever I promise you that." 

He pulls away from me and starts messing with his chain "Here I want you to have this" he takes his st Christopher off the chain and hands it me, it's a big deal as that medallion is a huge part of him and I've never seen him take it off. I have another idea I remove my ring give it to him to put on his now empty chain.

"If we keep these, then we will always have a part of each other with us wherever we go" I say while putting the st Christopher on my necklace.

"Thank you babe, it can be a sign of our commitment until you are a top doctor and I can ask you to be mine forver."

I smile at this, really aware that time is ticking away against us 

"Babe, you've got to go, Ali will be waiting for you." Me and Ali are going to the same college and I promised her we would ride together for support.

"Oh are you trying to get rid of me already"

"No way, I just dont want to give Ali another excuse to hate me"

We kiss again, passionately this time till his dad interrupts us with a cough.

I give him and Eve a cuddle literally these two have been the best surrogate parents I could ever wish for and I'm just as upset to leave these as I am at leaving Dutch.

I give my boy one last kiss and get into the car, I drive off honking the horn and nearly break my heart when I look back and see Dutchs mom cuddling him as they are waving me goodbye.

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