Promise Me!

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Sunday night

We head into the room and waste no time. As soon as the door is closed behind us we are on each other, ripping each others clothes off, kissing each other hungrily. I refuse to be apart from him for a single second of the short time we have left together.

We are lying in bed after enjoying the aftermath of our many, many orgasms. It's now 4am and I can see the sun is starting to rise outside, creeping through the blinds, taunting us that our time together is now running out.

He seems distant somehow, he looks so far away even though he is lying right by my side. He is looking out towards the window and I think he has realised that it's getting closer to goodbye time.

"Babe, where are you right now" I say trying to pull his face back to look at me.

" I'm just thinking, I cant believe I've just got you back and this weekend has been perfect and now I dont even know when I'm going to see you again."

"you have my number, we will talk all the time, I know it's no substitute but as soon as I know what's happening I'll let you know and I will be back..i promise, i just need to know something."

"Yeah what's that"he looks really sad as he looks at me.

"Promise me, that you'll wait for me! I'm scared ok that I'm gonna give up everything, take the leap and I'll come back and you'll have moved on."

"I promise, I will wait for you, I've waited this long without moving on, and if I know you are definitely coming back I'll wait of course I will" he says and gives me a sweet kiss."You better get some sleep beautiful, you've got a long drive back and you are going to be shattered."

"Just hold me then please, until I fall asleep"

"Of course I will, I'm gonna hold you until i have to let you go and even then i cant promise you i will" he kisses me tenderly on the head and i can feel the tears start to fall silently as I drift off into a restless sleep.

Monday Morning

The vile morning has finally arrived. I take a shower and finish packing before Dutch has even stirred. I lie down next to him, propped up on my side staring at him.

"Morning creeper are you just gonna watch me sleep or come and give me a kiss" he says smiling with his eyes still closed.

"I like watching you sleep, you look peaceful and it's the only time your not being a total arrogant asshat"

"Cheeky bitch, get here" he pulls me on top of me and I just let him hold me there.

"Babe I've made the decision that as soon as I get back to Denver, I'm going to go straight home and tell Danny that I'm leaving him, this just cant wait. As soon as that's done then I can start the process of moving forward and getting back here to you."

"How do you think he will react?"

"Who knows I doubt he will care in all honesty but he will act up and play the victim to his friends and family as that's what he is like. It's my fault he cheats as I wont touch him, it's my fault he works away all the time as I just argue on him, it's my fault we argue as I'm always at work, it's my fault he has no relationship with his son as Leo is a mommy's boy. He is just that type of dickhead, nothings his fault." I realise that I'm rambling, I roll off him and just lay there.

"Its gonna be tough, but as much as you need me I'll help all I can, call me anytime for support. Also if you need me to come to Denver to help with the move or anything me and the boys can help. You are not alone in this at all I promise you."

He helps me finish packing, then we head down to get breakfast with Ali and Emily. After that he helps us all load up the car. The girls go to get some road drinks and snacks and leave me and Dutch to say goodbye in private.

We hold each other for along time. "I will call you as soon as I can to let you know that we are home safe. And to let you know whatever the hell is going on." I see that he is welling up and he looks away.

"Dutch, I am coming back I promise you that, and then we can finally live the life we were meant to live together." I press my lips to his.

"I love you so much Vanessa, and I just want you to know that I'm here for you and will be here for you whenever you guys get back."

The girls return, say goodbye to Dutch and get in the car, Emily takes the first driving shift.

"Bye Babe" I say and the tears are now really falling and even though i know it's not really goodbye it still really hurts my heart.

"Hey dont cry, we will be together again soon, this time I'm not giving you up without a fight, whatever happens or however we do it you will be Mrs Dutch one day like you always were meant to be." This breaks me and when he picks me up and spins me around I even see Ali and Emily are crying in the car he has even broke them.

I get in the car holding his hand through the window until the very last minute, he taps the car as we drive off and I'm just a mess. Emily holds my hand and Ali is hugging me from behind.

Ah well time to go home and face the music.

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