Baby Dutch Arrives.

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June 2006

I wake up and feel like shit, I try to get out of bed and it takes this whale a few times to roll over and get out. 

"Morning Beautiful" Dutch says as he comes out of the bathroom. Looking all gorgeous and wet from the shower with just a tiny towel around his waist. Seriously why does he always look so good it's not fair.

"Beautiful? Are you kidding me I feel like a right beast" I waddle over to him and give him a kiss.

I get in the shower and I feel that unmistakable pain starting in my lower back. Shit no, no it could be nothing at all I'll ignore it, it could just be Braxton hicks again. Dutch is heading to the racetrack tonight, the baby isnt due for another 2 weeks so we thought he would be ok racing this weekend.

I get dressed and head downstairs, I dont say anything to Dutch yet as I dont want to worry him. I give him a kiss and wave him and Leo off as he takes Leo to kindergarten for me.

Annabelle comes in from shopping and senses somethings wrong straight away. "How long have you been having contractions for?"

"How did you know?" I ask surprised.

"Vanessa I have had 4 kids and 8 grandchildren I know about these things."

"It started about 6am this morning, they are too far apart at the moment though that's why I haven't said anything."

"You should tell Chad especially as he is thinking that he is going away this weekend." 

When I can feel them getting closer together, I try to ring Dutch at work and on his mobile and he doesn't answer. I call Bobby and Johnny and neither of them answer either for fucks sake I'm going to kill Dutch. I ring Emily and her phone also goes to voicemail where the fuck are my friends today I'm mentally killing all my friends in my head as the contractions are getting stronger and closer together. I call my last resort Mike.

"Hey cuz what's up?" He sounds like he is in a car.

"Oh nothing much,  just that I'm in labour and I cant get in touch with my husband or any of my fucking friends."

"Wow ok, are you at home? Do you need me to do anything? shall I come and get you? "

"Yes I am and yes please will you take me to my dickhead of a husband, I mean seriously why would he not answer his phone when he knows I'm only weeks away from giving birth."

"I dont know, just try and be calm, keep ringing him and I'll be with you as soon as I can."

"Dont tell me to be calm and get here now and why isnt your fiancee answering her phone?"

"I've just dropped her off at the nail salon, I'll leave her a message and let her know where I am and what's going on."

After about 10 minutes I  hear a car come screeching up the road and just know it will be Mike. Annabelle helps me grab my stuff together and accompanies me to the car. I tell Mike where Dutch works as I keep trying to call the prick.

We get to the end of the block when the worst happens my waters break. "Shit Mike, your gonna be so pissed but my waters have broken"

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