Coming Home

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April 1985

The past 2 months have been quite a trial for me. After I had read Dutchs letter like a million times, I called Dutchs Mom Eve for a much needed heart to heart. She was so pleased that I had reached out to her and promised to do everything in her power to help me, Chad and the baby.

On the following weekend her and her husband came to San Francisco to bring me back home. My Aunt and Uncle were devastated but couldn't stop me plus I dont think they really wanted to go against Dutchs dad he is a pretty scary dude.

On the ride home they told me that the plan was for me to live with them and get settled while Chad was in juvie and soon as he comes out we can all make proper plans for us and the baby. They saw no reason why we couldn't still go to college part time or whatever we needed to do and his mother said she would love to help out with the baby as much as she could.

My parents are proper angry apparently, as Dutchs parents went to tell them their plan and went mad at them for sending me and their unborn grandchild away. My parents said they wanted nothing to do with me, or the baby which did hurt alot but that's something they would have to live with. They were never truly parents so I dont see why I thought they could be grandparents.

I wouldnt let them get to me though, I had Dutchs parents who were wonderful to me, and Emily's parents made a huge fuss of me as well. I am now 6 months pregnant I feel like a huge whale but everyone says that pregnancy suits me and that I'm glowing I dont feel like I'm glowing when I've got my head stuck in a toilet bowl and wondering when I'll never not feel nauseous.

Anyway nothing will get me down today, as today is the day that Dutch gets home. He knows that I'm at his home now waiting for him, we have been sending hundreds of letters back and forth during his 2 months inside. He wouldnt allow me to visit him though said it was no place for a pregnant woman and didn't want our reunion to be over a plastic table with everyone watching us.

So now I was getting everything ready for his return, his Dad has helped convert the pool house into our own little home I mean I'm already pregnant so his parents cant be that funny about us being alone together anymore. The pool house will be a little cramped once the baby comes but at least it will be our own private space.

Me and Eve are in the living room finishing putting up welcome home banners, and Emily and Bobby are in the kitchen helping put out food on the table ready for the little welcome home party we have planned for Dutch.

I start to feel nervous and every time the door bell rings I feel sick, but it's just the other guys coming to the party. Dutchs dad should be here any minute with him and I cant help but worry, even though we have spoken on the phone and in letters we haven't physically seen each other for 4 months and well I dont exactly look the same, what if he doesn't want me anymore?

I greet our guests, it's great to see them even though I've been spending lots of time with the boys since I've been back and me and Johnny are even friends now. I'll always appreciate what they all did for me and Dutch and how they all helped to get me back home where I belong.

Finally I hear the door opens and I hear Dutchs dads big booming voice "Hey guys we are home"

They all rush to crowd him I stand back holding my breathe as I just dont know how to act. 

He walks through the door, he looks different his blonde hair has grown out and he is sporting his natural black hair, he looks a little paler, but looks broader and stockier like he spent all his time in juvie just working. He still has that dangerous dark and sexy look about him and I have to stop myself from drooling.

He looks up and sees me standing by the fireplace "Theres my girl" he says and runs towards me, scoops me up into his big arms and twirls me around. I hug him as tight as I can with the bump between us, I just smell him and I'm intoxicated by him all over again. 

He caresses my bump, and gives me and bump both a kiss and I just start crying, this is all i ever wanted. "Sorry, I'm crying, I'm ruining your party. Go spend time with your friends and family, we will have plenty of alone time to talk later, plus I cant wait to show you our new little house your dad has helped set up for us."

Dutch works the room, seeing his friends, hugging his mom. I'm just grateful to have him home and I feel our life can properly start now, well once we've ironed out some kinks that is.

Later that night, Everyone had dispersed, Dutchs parents have gone to bed and it's just me, Emily, Bobby, and Johnny left. We are sitting in the pool house, which is now technically our house. Dutch is really impressed with what we have managed to with the place and how we've made it into our own little self contained apartment.  We stay up talking for hours and it feels like no time has passed between us at all it's just like old times again and I just keep staring at him and smiling.

He catches me staring at him and signals for me to squeeze in closer. "What's on your mind babe?" 

"I just cant believe how lucky I am to have you back and be here with my friends again" I say while kissing him on the cheek.

"Right guys, not being rude, as I appreciate you being here, but in the nicest possible way  fuck off so I can spend some alone time with my little lady"

The guys laugh noone takes offence at Dutchs bluntness they know exactly what he is like.

We say goodbye to the guys and as soon as we shut the door he is on me kissing me so passionately I have to come up for air.

"God I've missed you so much, I have been dreaming of kissing you every night, it's what got me through in that place"

We head into the bedroom, we need to talk but tonight is not the night we just need to be together. The deep conversations can come at a later date.

After we have kissed and explored every last inch of each others body, we just lay there cuddling with him stroking my bump. We never actually had sex, Dutch was too paranoid about hurting the baby but we did everything else we could possibly do. We just needed to feel close to each other.

He couldn't stop kissing me and my bump and I kept telling myself now that I've got him back here with me, everything will be ok, its us two now three against the world and if we have survived these past four torturous months we can survive literally everything.

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