Time to Face the Music!

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After a really really long trip back home, I feel groggy and gross. I took the wheel for the last leg of the trip back and dropped Ali back home first then Emily then I was finally pulling into my drive just before 8PM on monday evening.

I had already phoned Danny's parents to say I would be back late and just wanted to check that Leo would be ok till Tuesday morning. I needed tonight to get things sorted with Danny. The quicker I can get this part over, the quicker I can start putting the next part of my plans into motion.

I get out of the car, grab my things, take a deep breath and head inside. I get into the house and see Danny sitting in front of the tv a few bottles of empty beers in front of him on the table.

"Hey" I say as I walk in. He grunts at me. I need to do this now I really do. But I take my bags upstairs and have a shower as I feel like shit and I just need some more time to gather my thoughts and plan my speech properly.

I change into a long baggy tshirt, shorts and chuck my hair up into a messy bun and head downstairs to finally put an end to all this nonsense.

"Danny, can you turn the tv off a sec I really need to talk to you."

"Does it have something to do with your reunion" he says not turning off the tv or even looking at me.

"What, why would you say that?" I say genuinely confused.

"You had an email off your high school today with photos from your reunion." He says while pointing over to my computer in the corner of the room.

"Wait how did you get into my email?" I stand up and go to look on the computer to see what he has seen 

"Sons name and date of birth, wasnt really that hard."

"Surprised you knew it actually" I huff. I log on and click on the photos, I see the group photos of us all there is nothing incriminating on them. Then I see the single shots of me and Dutch recreating our prom photos, him dipping me and us smiling at each other.

"They are great arent they? we should get them framed, you two really do look good together, who is he?" He is right behind me now and I didnt even realise that he had got up. God he smells of beer and lots of it.

"Wait, before you answer princess, let me show you my favourite shots from your reunion." He leans over breathing loudly into my ear, smelling of beer and pretzels, he clicks through a few and I see some crowd shots of the dancefloor and people mingling on the sides. He zooms in on a shot of me and Dutch dancing, my arms wrapped around his neck, his arms around my waist both lovingly gazing at each other, a few others of us dancing and holding each other.

"But this, this one right here is my favourite" he zooms in on one where Dutch is behind me, arms wrapped around my front, Dutch is clearly kissing my neck, my eyes are closed and I have a sly smile on my face clearly enjoying what was happening.

"So go on, explain this shit to me, who is he? Are you fucking him?" I just say silent, I dont know where to start. This is not how I planned to tell him.

"Are you fucking deaf? I said who is he?" He slaps me really on the back of my head.

"Dont touch me" I stand up to move away from him. "Yes I came back here to say that I was leaving you, and that I'm taking Leo and moving back to Encino"

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