To save Ourselves from future heartache?

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March 1990

For the past five years, me and Dutch kept to our word, we travelled to see each other every weekend. Taking it in turns of who goes to see who. We speak on the phone all the time. He graduated college and now works as a mechanic in one of his friends dads auto shop, I am in my final year of becoming a Doctor and everything was going well or so I thought.

Something has changed in the past 6 months, he seems cold like something is totally off, I cant even remember the last time we had sex. Usually our clothes are off within the first 5 minutes of seeing each other and that's if are having a slow day.

Something just isnt sitting right with me and its playing on my mind big time as I'm sitting in class.

"Hey Vanessa, I'm talking to you? What's up you seem distant." Ali says as she nudges me gently.

"Sorry I'm just all over the place at the moment. I  keep thinking Dutch is going to finish with me."

"What why would you even think that?"

"He was so quiet and cold this weekend when he visited and its been like that for awhile now, somethings changed between us and I think he is just building up to break things off with me." I now start to well up with tears, and try hard to hide it so the rest of the class doesn't see.

When we get back to our dorm room, I just break and decide to make a rash decision.

"Ali I'm going to see him"

"What now? What about the rest of our classes today?"

"I need some closure on this, I need to see his face when I ask him some questions. If I set out now I can meet him from work. This just cant wait for another 2 weeks."

Ali totally disapproves, but she knows she wont be able to stop me, whenever it comes to Dutch I can never think rationally.

I throw some stuff in the car and head back to Encino practicing what I'm going to say on the long journey back.

I make it to the auto shop in a record 5 hours I straighten myself in the car mirror and prepare myself to see him.

I see him come out of work in his overalls looking all grubby, sweaty and sexy, jeez how can he always look so hot.

I shout his name and the look on his face is priceless as he comes bounding over to me and gives me a big hug.

"Babe what are you doing here?"

"I wasnt happy with our last visit and I just needed to come and see you, it couldn't wait till my visit, can we go somewhere to talk please."

He looks slightly worried, but he agrees like he knew this was coming and then proceeds to follow me in his car to the beach. 

We meet at the beach, and head to our spot in the cove. I put out a blanket and he sits by me.

"Babe, what's going on between us? I feel that I'm losing you. You are so distant from me, everytime we visit I feel you dont want to be there, you dont even touch me anymore, I need to know is there someone else?" just blurt out.

He sits there in silence, considering his answer carefully.

"What dont be ridiculous I'm no cheat, and there has never been anyone else for me you know that. But it's hard for me, I feel that I'm losing you, to be fair I think I lost you when you got into college" he pauses.

"When we meet up all you talk about is college and college life and being a dr, and I just feel so left behind still in the same house, dead end job, same friends nothing has changed for me, but you have changed big time most of the time I dont recognise you as that sweet nerdy girl that I fell in love with at school."

I'm really hurt by this, "that's not true at all, dont put this on me, just because your insecure about your life, after everything we have been through your gonna be an ass to me because I have the balls to move away and follow my dreams"

"Fuck you Vanessa, that's not true at all! I stayed here and dealt with my problems I didn't have the choice or chances to run away like you did"

"What I never ran away, I got into college so we could have a future like YOU told me to do."

"Let's face it Vanessa, when we lost our son you checked out, you started planning your escape that very day. You couldn't wait to leave and I think deep down you were happy that we lost him so you wouldnt have to be tied to me forever" I cut him off with a sharp slap to his face.

"How fucking dare you, I went through hell I'm still going through hell from our loss so dont give me that crap" I start to sob now. "I think it's best if we take a break, our emotions are clearly too high right now"

"Yeah your right, let's take a break, that's what you wanted all along anyway. I bet you've been planning this break up for awhile, shit why didn't you just call, saved yourself a journey" he stands up now and goes to storm off.

"I didn't mean that I just meant a breather now, please Dutch I cant lose you i love you so much i travelled all this way to fix this, that's why I'm here in person."

"I think it's too late to fix Vanessa, I dont recognise you anymore, soon you'll meet a fancy dr and go off with him anyway so let's just save ourselves the future heartache and just cut our losses now"

He walks away.

"Dutch please dont do this, dont walk away from me" I scream at him but know it's useless his mind has been made up. I sit on the beach for an hour just sobbing before I can muster the strength to drive back to college.

Little did I know that would be the last time I would see him for 15 years.

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