Family Time

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The next morning I wake up alone in a huge bed, and briefly forget where I am for a second. I stretch out and feel all the stiffness in my joints from Danny's handiwork but I try not to think about that too much. I'm more upset that I spent the night alone without Dutch who went home as we thought that was best and the right thing to do as not to confuse Leo but I couldnt help but feel sad at saying goodbye to him and now lying here in this big space alone I'd give anything for a morning cuddle and kiss.

I go into Leo's room to wake him up to find his bed empty and made. I head downstairs to the sight of Leo at the breakfast bar eating his bodyweight in pancakes. I say morning to Eve, David and the maid Annabelle who is a gorgeous plump older lady with a huge kind smile who just reminds me of my Nonna.

"Morning Mama" he says and gives me a sticky syrupy kiss. I say morning and sit down to help myself to some coffee and fruit. My phone goes off again. I check the caller I.d and put the phone back down on the table now feeling sick and not feeling much like eating.

"Everything ok?" Eve asks.

"No not really, not even sure how to deal with that yet?"

"You'll figure something out, but its probably best not to keep ignoring it as its only going to make matters worse." She says while holding my hand for comfort.

I let them finish breakfast, then we arrange to go shopping to get Leo some stuff to play in the pool with later.

We get back from the shops loaded up with inflatables, toys, new clothes and things for Leo to find Dutch here, home from work early like he promised. Leo runs to him to show him the inflatable dinosaur he has brought for them to play with in the pool.

I walk over to him and kiss him on the lips forgetting myself as it's just a knee jerk reaction to seeing him. Luckily Leo is preoccupied with getting the dinosaur out of the package to notice.

I ask Eve to watch Leo for me after promising him that we are going into the pool soon I just need to sort something important first.

I ask Dutch to come up stairs with me, "Babe will you sit with me while I call Danny he keeps calling and your moms right I cant keep avoiding him I need to deal with this now."

"Fuck him, just change your number"

"You know I cant do that, we have a child together"

"Oh yeah because he is such a great dad."

"Please babe, just sit with me for support and as a witness."

"Ok then, go ahead I'm here for you, but don't expect me to be quiet if he acts like a dick again."

I pick up the phone, take a deep breath, and dial Danny's number.

"Oh so now she decides to make contact?" He says when he answers after 3 rings.

"Hi Danny, look I dont want to argue with you I'm calling to tell you that Leo is ok and I will be in touch again soon to arrange a meeting or something so you can stop calling me now."

"No, no, no you dont get to do that, you leave me for another man, run off with my son, lie about where you are. As I know your not at Emily's I went to your work and they said you dont work there anymore and your living back with your parents, another lie as they hate you. How many lies have you told really? and what else have you had to give up for your new Fuck buddy?"

I can see Dutch tense beside me and I steady him with a hold of his hand and a shake of my head.

"No I'm not in Denver anymore but I felt I had to leave and lie in order to be safe, plus it's not a total lie, I'm staying with my friends parents in California and I know we are safe here as I used to live with these people when I was in high school."

"Wait, wait, so your telling me that the prick you have run off with is the guy that knocked you up in high school, got you disowned by your parents and then dumped you" he starts cackling down the phone, taunting me. "Oh this is fucking perfect, I needn't have worried you guys will be back sooner than I thought."

Dutch goes to grab the phone, and I stand up and move away so he cant take it out of my hand and now I'm totally regretting that drunken night when I told him about my sad past.

"Oh fuck off Danny, you know nothing. Look if you want to arrange to speak to Leo we can sort it when I know your not gonna be a prick to him."

"Arrange something? Listen here you little bitch I should call the cops on you for taking my son out of the state without my permission you basically kidnapped him."

"And I should call the cops on you for beating me up, they would understand why I fled for my safety so cut the shit."

"I dont know what you mean? I have never laid a hand on you in my life."

"Oh yeah ok Danny, whatever I have bruises that say otherwise anyway I'm not doing this now. You can talk to Leo when you've calmed down and then we can sort out visits etc later. But me and you are through and that's final."

"Yeah we will see about that, you will come crawling back"

I just hang up, I cant deal with anymore of his nonsense. I lie back on the bed and I'm sobbing and shaking. "I'm sorry he just winds me up so much" Dutch holds me and kisses me on my forehead.

"Come on let's get our swim stuff on and head downstairs as we promised that little boy we would all go for a swim" and I love him for saying this, he really does put family first.

I change into a one piece as none of my bikinis are appropriate for a family swim and i have to stop myself from drooling when I walk out of the bathroom to see Dutch in just his swim trunks all tanned, muscular and tattooed.

"Babe, dont look at me like that I thought we were behaving while everyone was around"

"Well you shouldnt look that hot in your trunks then Mr Dutch" I throw my arms around his neck and we kiss each other deeply. Until the door bursts open and Leo comes running in, we have to pull apart quickly but there was no way he missed that one.

"Come on Dutch you promised me you would play in the pool with me?" Dutch laughs and picks Leo up taking him down to the pool area.

Eve is already in the pool when we get there, doing literally the most graceful laps I have ever seen in my life. I ease myself into the pool, as Dutch dives in and then positions himself by the edge of the pool to allow Leo to jump into his arms from the side.

All four of us are playing in the pool together, laughing,splashing, diving in, playing with the inflatable and I cant believe just how lucky me and Leo are to be here with our new family in this huge house. I start to cry and Dutch stops what he is doing when he notices.

"Hey what's wrong"he says coming up behind me as I turn away from Leo and Eve.

"I'm sorry I'm just overwhelmed, ignore me, I just never thought I would be this happy again or see Leo so happy, Dutch I've never seen him laugh or play like that,"

He hugs me and I see Eve smiling over at the two of us as she distracts Leo with a ball.

"Its going to be ok, I'll do everything I can to make sure you two are always this happy, that dick will soon just be a bad memory"

"I love you so much its unreal" I say as I hug him tightly and I just pray that he is right, I need him to be right.

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