planning ahead

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September 2005

The sharp trill of the phone rudely brought me back to earth from one of my Dutch infused day dreams, which seemed to be happening increasingly since I received that invitation in the post a few days ago.

" Hello" I answered slightly annoyed as I was just going to let my brain go to the bad place again.

"Hey Vanessa, its Ali, sorry we seem to keep missing each others calls, how are things?"

"Ah Ali, it's so good to hear your voice, I'm good thank you, hope all is good with you. I have been trying to get in touch with you for days about the reunion, are you going to go?"

"Yeah of course I'm going to go, please say you will come too. I've already spoken to Susan and Barbara and they are definitely going as well"

" Yeah I was thinking of going, but didn't want to go on my own as Emily wont go, she hated that place as you know"

" ah no dont stress about it, I've got a great idea why dont you and me go down a few days before, stay in a hotel and make a girly weekend of it, go to some of our old haunts, have a proper catch up. That's if you think deadbeat Danny wont mind"

I have to laugh at that, she knows all about my man troubles, and how unhappy I am " Nah he wouldn't care what I do or where I go. Its Leo I'll have to sort out, but I think Danny's parents will be ok having him over for a few days"

I hesitate for a bit "Ugh Ali, have you heard who else is attending at all"

" Yeah I think Jennifer, Freddy and some others are going according to Susan but I'm guessing, those aren't who you are interested in attending are they? Maybe a certain peroxide haired bad boy" she giggled

"Yeah have you heard anything about him, or the rest of the Cobras. I dont know how I feel about seeing him again, I mean we didn't exactly leave it on the best of terms"

"Yeah that's an understatement, but it has been 15 years Vanessa, alot has happened and changed since then, I really wouldn't stress about it, but I can get susan to do some digging so you can prepare yourself for seeing him, or not seeing him"

" yeah I would like to know, I think I do need to mentally prepare myself, and physically prepare as well I cant walk back into that school looking anything less than hot"

"Vanessa you crack me up, I'll investigate and let you know, but whatever happens we will head down early and still do our girly trip, I've got to head to work now so I'll catch up with you soon"

We say our goodbyes, and plan to make our Thelma and louise road trip plans. But I cant help but feel full of tension at the thought of maybe seeing Dutch again.

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