Chapter 20

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(Amelia's Point of View)

I wake up to the feeling of someone caressing my thigh. I squint my eyes and look up at Ethan who is smiling down at me as he continues to caress my thighs. "Morning princess." He says in a raspy morning voice of his, which I find oh-so-sexy.

Suddenly a thought hits my head and my eyes widen. "Oh shit, we have school! How late is it!? Ethan how are you so calm! Let go of me-"

"Baby, if you have forgotten let me remind you. Today is a Saturday." He chuckled as he held on me tighter to get to me to stop moving.

"Oh." I mumble as I blush in embarrassment. I relax in his arms again and he chuckles in amusement.

He rubs my back soothingly and I close my eyes at the feeling.

Suddenly the door bursts open and an overly-active Adrian comes in.

"Mom told me to tell you guys to stop making babies and come down to eat breakfast." He says as he jumps onto my back and my face turns red at the statement. "Wait, I am confused... How do you make babies...?" He trailed off as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Ahem Ahem." Ethan coughed awkwardly. "That's a story for another time. Now go tell mom that we are not making babies and that we will be down in 20 minutes." Ethan says as he pushes Adrian off my back. "Lazy ass." He mumbled on his way out.

"How come your mom lets us sleep in the same bed?" I ask as I look up at him. "Well because she trusts us and maybe because she is too eager to become a grandma." He says with a mischief smile.

"Shut up." I say as I slap his chest. "Now coming to the topic of babies. Do you want babies?" He asks as he plays with my fingers.

"I have thought about it, and I do want babies." I smile at the thought of having little kids running around the house. "How many?" He asks, somehow very interested in the topic. "Maybe two or three. Probably twins or an older son and a younger daughter." I say as I look up at him. "Why?" He asks.

"I don't know.. I always wanted an older sibling growing up. I have seen the interaction an older brother and younger sister have, it's so adorable. Same goes for twins." I say. "How about you?" I ask as I look up at him.

"I do want kids, but with the right person. If I am with the right person who I know I want a family with I don't mind how many kids we have." He says as he looks at me with a look in his eyes that I can't make out.

"That makes sense." I say as I look down at our fingers that are now intertwined.

"Okay, as much as I would love to stay in bed with you all day and talk, we have to go down for breakfast so that my mom doesn't think we are making babies. We don't want her to expect grandbabies now do we?" He jokes and I blush again.

"Stop." I say as I playfully slapped his chest.

I sat up on his stomach and looked around taking in my surroundings the way I always do once I wake up.

I then get off of him and make my way to his bathroom and use the extra toothbrush he keeps for me.

I brush my teeth and wash my face and just as I am about to turn I feel a presence behind me. A smile forms on my lips when I feel him wrap one of his arms around my waist and use the other to pick up his toothbrush.

"Do you have any plans for today?" He asks, his voice muffled due to the toothbrush in his mouth. "No why?" I ask, confused. "Well we have been dating for some time, but we haven't been on a date yet. So I was wondering if you would want to go out on a date today?" He says as he spits the toothpaste out of his mouth.

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