Bonus Chapter #4.5 (Part 2)

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Little bits and pieces from their pregnancy journey with the twins. I wrote all of these at different times and combined them into one. So if something doesn't make sense, my apologies. 

(P.S: I also don't exactly know how the NFL works or how giving birth goes, so the stuff that I wrote is most likely not going to make sense, I don't want to offend anyone in anyway. Just know this is a piece of fiction and well... I tried my best.)

(Amelia's Point of View)

(5 months (21 weeks) pregnant)

"Ethan," I whisper as I shake him slightly. He groans before pulling me as close as he can with my five-month pregnant belly between us. My stomach was slightly bigger than normal pregnancies because we were having twins.

"Ethan." I mumble again as I shake him harder. "Yes baby?" He mumbles as he yawns and opens his eyes. "I am hungry." I whisper. I am really carving some ice cream right now. "Right now?" He asks and I nod. His eyes go to the clock beside us. "Baby it's two in the morning are you sure it's healthy to eat at this time?" He asks.

"Please," I pout and his eyes go to my lips before he sighs. He pecks my lips before untangling himself from me and getting up. He stretches and yawns before looking at me. "I want ice cream," I say like a kid and he chuckles. He puts his palms on the bed before leaning down so that he was closer to my face.

"Then get up," he says before kissing me softly and pulling away. I smile and he offers me his hand. I take his hand and get up, keeping one hand on my swollen stomach. He kisses my stomach- something he does very often- as I stand properly.

We hold hands as we walk down to the kitchen. He turns on the light all while keeping a hand protectively on my waist.

Ever since I have started showing he has gotten way more protective than usual. I could be getting up the couch and he would start panicking. He has also been reading a lot of pregnancy books and I think he knows more about it then I do at this point.

He lights me up and places me on the counter. I don't know how he manages to lift me up especially since I am pregnant. He opens the fridge and takes out one huge bucket of ice cream I got just yesterday before taking out two spoons.

He grins at me before opening the bucket, and tossing the lid aside before the both of us start digging in. "How do you feel about the season starting?" I ask. He shrugs taking a bite before answering, "I really don't want to travel and leave you guys. You know I am going to take you with me everywhere until you can, but after that I am a bit skeptical about it. I really wanted to take this season off... But someone stopped me." He mumbles the last part and I smile.

"You can't do that. Just because I am pregnant you can't stop playing. They need you and you love playing." I say and he smiles. "I know. But I really like staying home with you and the boys." He mumbled, feeding me some ice cream.

That's right, boys. We found out the gender about a week ago and had a small gender reveal. It was a cliche one with two cakes, both having the gender of our twins, the inside would either be blue for a boy and pink for a girl. Both cakes were blue from the inside.

Ethan was really hoping for a baby girl, but when he found out it was two baby boys he didn't mind he was still happy. We didn't mind the gender, we just wanted our kids to be healthy.

"I know babe, but it's time for you to go back. You need to get the cup home this year, for me, the babies and your whole team," I smiled and he chuckled. "Ethan, but on a serious note. I really want you to go play. I have seen how you have been for the few months when the season was off. You miss playing and there is no way I am letting you take this season off. You are playing." I say and I squeeze his bicep.

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