Chapter 18

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Sorry for the late update. Took kinda long to write this chapter. Hope you like it!

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(Ethan's Point of View)

"Okay you two lovebirds wake up now! You're gonna be late for school!" I hear my mom say.

I feel Amelia roll on top of me and groan. "Five more minutes." I mumble as I pull Amelia closer to me.

"No you're gonna be late." My mom says as she opens the curtains.

The sunlight enters the room and I squint my eyes to get used to the lighting. "Mom what the hell!" I say as I look at her.

"Now get up and wake your girlfriend up." She says and leaves the room.

I sigh as I look at the sleeping beauty on top of me. She looks so peaceful sleeping that I don't want to wake her up.

After 10 minutes of staring at her like a creep, I finally decided to wake her up. "Baby, you gotta wake up. We have school." I say as I rub her back.

I know how much she loves it when I rub her back, plus it somehow helps wake her up.

"I don't wanna wake up." She whines. "Trust me I would rather stay in bed and cuddle with you all day, but we have to go to school." I say.

I hear her groan as she sits on my stomach and rubs her eyes adorably. "Good morning." I smile once I see her open her beautiful eyes completely. "Morning." She yawns as she gets off me.

I get up after her and am about to kiss her when she turns her head, making me kiss her on the cheek. "Why?" I whine like a kid. "Morning breath." She says as she leaves my room.

As if I would care, I just wanted my morning kiss.

God, what is this girl doing to me?

After getting ready I make my way down for breakfast. I enter the kitchen and see Amelia sitting on the counter seat wearing my pink sweatshirt (hey even though it's pink, it's comfy and one of my favourite sweatshirts.) and a pair of skinny jeans with a pair of vans on.

The sweatshirt looks huge on her, but she looks comfy. Plus, Amelia loves oversized things.

I go and wrap my hands around her from behind. "So where did you get that sweatshirt from?" I whisper in her ear. "Oh you know from my boyfriend's closet." She replies as she takes another bite from her apple.

The sweatshirts sleeve goes a bit up and reveals her charm bracelet, the one her grandma gave her. It's surprising how she wears it everyday, I have never seen her remove it.

"I must say, your boyfriend has a good taste in clothes." I play along. "Nah." She shrugs. "What do you mean 'nah'?" I question, faking hurt in my tone.

"Kids stop flirting around and eat breakfast!" My grandma says before Amelia could say anything.

I see Amelia blush red and I couldn't help but kiss her red cheeks. I then take my seat next to Amelia and intertwine our fingers and placed it on my lap.

"Here is your breakfast Ethan." Grandma says as she places a plate in front of me. I was about to take a bite of it when I notice Amelia doesn't have any breakfast in front of her.

"Where is your breakfast baby?" I ask her as I furrow my eyebrows. "Not hungry." She shrugs as she takes a small bite from her apple. "Okay, no you are having breakfast." I say as I put my fork in front of her mouth.

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