Chapter 37

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Hey readers! Here is chapter 37! Hope you enjoy it.

Make sure to vote and comment!

Love y'all!

(Ethan above ^^)


(Amelia's Point of View)

It's been 2 days since I got my mothers letter. I have been debating calling my dad. I open my phone and his contact, but then my finger hovers above the call button. I wear the necklace all the time though, I haven't taken it off ever since Ethan put it on.

I am scared, I don't know why, but I am just scared. I want to get to know my dad better, I want him in my life, but I am just scared.

Right now sitting in my Literature class, I tap my foot on the ground as one of my hands fiddle with the necklace while the other is cupping my chin as it supports my face. I listen to the teacher only to zone out not even two seconds later.

The sound of the bell shakes me out of my thoughts and I jump a little in my seat. I pick up my bag, dump all my books into it, close the zip and toss it on my shoulder. I walk out of the class and towards my locker. I open my bag, put my books in and just as I am closing my locker two strong arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"Hi." I giggle when I feel him place a small kiss on the side of my neck. "Hey." He says and turns me around to face him in his arms. Once I am facing him he bends down to my height and pecks my lips. "I missed you." He says as he puts his chin on my head. "I was with you like an hour ago." I chuckle. "Mhm... And..?" He asks.

I chuckle at his response and peck his jaw. "Hey love birds!" Andrew says as he comes and stands next to Ethan. "Hi!" I say with a grin. "Let's get going to class." Ethan says and I nod.

We both wave bye to Andrew before walking to bio, hand in hand.


I am sitting in my room on my bed with Adrain next to me. Both of us are watching a random disney movie on my laptop with a big bowl of chips between us.

Adrian's head is on my lap and my legs are straight while my back takes support from my headboard. My fingers run through his soft hair as I use my other hand to eat the chips.

"Amelia?" I hear him say softly as he turns his face to look at me. "Hmm?" I say as I look down at him. "Ethan told me your birthday was tomorrow." He says.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I never did anything for my birthday. When grandpa was there maybe we cut a cake and decorated the house but after he passed away we couldn't. My birthday was way too close to the day he passed away and everyone would mostly be shaken by that, even me. But grandma would still manage to give me a gift with a small smile and that meant so much to me.

"Yeah. It is." I say with a nod. "So what are you planning to do?" Adrian asks. "Nothing much probably going to sit up cuddled on the couch and watch some movies." I grin. "That sounds nice. And I can cuddle you." He grins. "You sure can." I smile and peck his forehead.

Just then Ethan walks in. "Hey!" He says as he flops down onto the bed. "Hi!" Adrian and I say in usion as I pause the movie. "What are you guys doing?" He says as he pushes Adrian's head off my lap and replaces it with his. "Hey! Not fair!" Adrian whines as he sits up.

"Not fair." Ethan mimicked in a whiney voice. I just sighed as both the brothers argued.

"Guys stop it!" I say as I look at the both of them. Ethan huffed and turned his head up to look at me from his position on my lap. He grinned up at me cheekily causing Adrian to scowl.

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