Chapter 32

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Long Chapter. Again! Anyway, at the end of the chapter, there is an Author note. Hope you enjoy the chapter, not. *laughs evilly* Enjoy.... 

(Ethan's Point of View)

I was worried. I was extremely worried. I hadn't left. I couldn't. She just had a panic attack and if she expects me to just leave her and go home she is so wrong. I had my car parked two houses away so she couldn't see it. Even though the view wasn't the best I could see the front door.

I saw her stand there for a few seconds before knocking on the door. Soon after the door opened to reveal a lady who looked like she was in her early forties. Her hair was a bit messed up, clothes crumpled and she had a snarl on her face. She looked at Amelia and her glare further. She said something and that caused Amelia to flinch and move a bit back only then did I notice a alcohol bottle in the lady's hand.

The ringing of my phone makes me shift my gaze from the door to the phone that is on the dashboard. I furrow my eyebrows before picking my phone up and looking at the number. The number isn't a saved one but it seems too familiar. I pick it up and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I say as I see Amelia kneel down next to the lady.

"Hi Ethan... This is... This is... Lucas."

(Amelia's Point of View)

"What do you want?" She says in disgust as she looks me up and down. I flinch at her tone. I say nothing and proceed to get in only for me to be pushed out by her. "Who the hell do you think gave you permission to get into my house you fucking bitch?" She growls and my heart squeezes at what she calls me.

She is just drunk.

She doesn't let me say anything and just continues, "You fucking theif! You stole everything from me. Everything. If it wasn't for you he would be alive today. My father would have been here. You take everything away from me! Why? What did I ever do to you?" She cries and falls to her knees. I kneel down in front of her and my hands go on her shoulders trying to stable her.

"I-I am sorry. I know. I am horrible." I whisper. She lets out a bitter chuckle as tears gather in her eyes. I stay there, kneeling in front of her as I see a tear drop from her eyes. "I just want to be loved. My love left me, my father left me, my mother left me. Everyone leaves me. Do I not deserve to be loved?" She whispers to herself.

"You do. Everyone does." I say as I wipe her tears with my thumb. She doesn't say anything after that so I help her stand up as I stand up myself before walking into the house and closing the door behind me.

The moment I step into the house the smell of alcohol crawls up my nostrils. I scrunch up my nose and look around only to find a bunch of empty or half full bottles of alcohol or beer thrown around the house.

I hear my mom chuckle bitterly from beside me. "Stinks doesn't it?" She asks as she looks at me. I gulp and say nothing before leading her further into the house. I help her sit on the couch before making my way into the kitchen and making some lemonade to get her to sober up.

I stir the spoon in the glass before taking it out and putting it in the sink full of dirty dishes. I go outside and into the living room where my mom is sitting, now a photo frame in her hand as she looks down at it with teary eyes.

I make my way towards her and from over her shoulder I look at the picture. In the picture she stands in the middle with my father next to her, his arm around her waist and grandma and grandpa on one side of her while my father's parents on the other side.

My mom is in her wedding dress and my father in his black wedding suit. Both of them seem to have smiles on their faces for some reason. I see grandpa and grandma and a tear seems to slip out of my eyes at seeing him smile. He looks younger, way younger but his smile is still the same. I wipe my tears before putting the glass in her line of vision. She looks at the glass before turning back to look at me.

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