Chapter 11

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(Ethan's Point of View)

Today was Magaret's funeral. Amelia has been really strong, like very strong. She smiled yesterday. When grandpa passed away I didn't even manage to say a word, forget about smiling. Amelia has been happy, and because she is happy, I am happy. I was currently getting ready for the funeral, I had a white shirt, black suit and black dress pants on. I was straightening my tie when Amelia walked in, she was wearing a black turtleneck full sleeve dress that reached right above her knee with a pair of black heels, her hair was in a formal bun with a strand coming out in the front and she had no makeup on which made her look even more beautiful than usual if possible. "Hey. How are you?" I ask. "I am good. Are you ready? We leave in 10 minutes." She says. "Yeah I am. Are you done with your eulogy?" I ask her. She gives me a small nod. I go up to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She replies back by wrapping her hands on my torso. "I will be by your side at all times okay?" I tell her, and she nods. I know she doesn't need me, she has been holding up pretty good, but I wanna be by her side, just to tell her she is not alone.

The funeral was now over, people were beginning to leave. Amelia's eulogy was quite good, she told us about who her grandma was and how she will always remain in her heart even though she is gone, she also mentioned how her grandma was her motherly figure and best friend. Margaret was buried next to her husband. Amelia somehow managed to keep a smile on the entire time. "You were super strong today." I say as I hug Amelia from behind. "How so?" She asks. "Well you smiled and were happy, not many people can do that." I tell her. "Grandma wanted me to smile. So I smiled. Plus I have nothing to be sad about. Grandma is now with grandpa and both of them are looking over me." She smiles. God, this girl. I swear I might be falling for her. "You wanna know about my family?" Amelia asks out of nowhere. Her family seemed like a crucial topic, but if she was ready to talk about then I have no problem. "Sure. If you want to." I say. She turns around so that she is facing me. "I think I want to tell someone, and I trust you the most." She says as she straightens my coat. "Well then go ahead." I encourage her. "Well my mom hates me." She says. "Why?" I ask. I mean who could hate her, she is just too lovable. "Exactly and you love her." said a voice inside my head. Wait, do I love her? No it can't be, I just figured out I liked her like yesterday. "My dad left my mom once he got to know she was pregnant with me. You see they were forced into marriage at 20, but they did fall in love and then mom got pregnant at 23. Dad didn't want a kid then. He said he wasn't ready. So he divorced mom. That's why mom hates me, cause I was the reason why dad left her." She says softly. "Who is your dad?" I ask. This question has been bugging me since I had overheard that conversation. "Jackson Henderson." She whispers. So, I was right, her dad was indeed the successful billoine Jackson Henderson, but wait, her surname...? "What about your surname?" I question. "Mom hated dad so much after he left her so she kept my surname her maiden name." She said and I nodded in understanding. It is quite obvious where she gets her facial features from, I mean she looks quite similar to her dad. "Your family is pretty messed up huh?" I ask, she gives me a small chuckle before shaking her head, "Ex-Family. You're my new family now. I mean you don't have to consider me family but I consider you guys my family." She says. "You're my family too." I say as I hug her close to me.

I think I love this girl.

I was currently at home with Andrew and Chase. I told them the news about Amelia's grandma and they wanted to meet her. They didn't come to the funeral but they came home later on. They had talked to Amelia and then Amelia had gone for a nap, she was tired. So we all were currently in my room talking. "What is it like to be in love?" I ask both of them. Both of their eyes widen and they look at each other before Chase says, "A-are you in love with Amelia?" "That's what I don't know yet. Why do you think I am asking you?" I say. "I mean you figured out you liked her like just yesterday or something. I don't know, don't you think that it's too fast to fall in love?" Andrew says. Maybe they're right, maybe I just like her. Maybe it's not love yet. "True." I shrug. "Okay. So how are you going to ask her to the Halloween Dance?" Chase says. I don't even think she is going, I mean with the recent events it's kinda hard to tell. "I don't know if she is going, I mean with the recent events do you think she will want to go?" I ask. "True. So why don't you ask her?" Andrew asks. "We will see." I shrug.

We continue to talk when Amelia walks in. "You done with your nap?" I ask. She nods and comes to lie down next to me. I make some place for her and she sits down putting her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her waist. "Are you sure you guys are not dating?" Chase asks. "Nope. We are not." I answer, glaring at him. "Sure. You guys seem too close to be best friends." Andrew smirks. "Shut up." I hear Amelia mumble. "So. Amelia, are you going to the Halloween Dance?" Chase asks her. "Probably. Ooh wait how about we all go as friends?" She says sitting up from her position on my chest.

Wait, she wants to go as friends? There goes all my plans about asking her out, down the drain. "Nah, me and Andrew are going together. We are gonna reveal our relationship." Chase said. "Oh ok. Good luck with that! I will be there to support you. Anyway Ethan wanna go as friends or are you gonna ask out that girl you like?" Amelia questions me. "Uh, um, uh." Andrew cuts off my weird stuttering and says "He is probably gonna ask that girl he likes. Aren't you Ethan?" I nod my head in agreement and I see a flash of hurt and jealousy pass onto Amelia's face but she covers it up quickly. Oh Amelia, only if you knew that girl was you. "I guess I am going alone." She mumbles. "That's not true I am sure one guy is gonna ask you." Chase says, sending me a look. "Yeah right. As if." She scoffs. "Trust me. One guy will ask you." I tell her. "Yeah. Sure." She mumbles.

Soon when it turns a bit late Andrew and Chase leave. Amelia and Adrian are sitting in the living room choosing a movie for today's movie night. "So what are we watching?" I ask as I plop down next to Amelia. "Probably 'Fault in Our Stars'." Amelia answers. "No! I want to watch a spiderman movie!" Adrian argues. "Spiderman, it is." Amelia mumbles. She never really argues with the kid, because we both know it's not of any use and Adrian will end up winning the argument somehow.

We are watching our second spiderman movie and Amelia is cuddled up against me. Adrian and Amelia are half asleep and I am the only one who is actually watching the movie. I feel Amelia yawn next to me as she snuggles closer into me. "You sleepy?" I whisper. She nods against me and before I know it she is asleep. I look at Adrian who is on the other side of me and he is asleep too. I pick up the remote from the coffee table and turn it off. I pick up Amelia and position her on top of me like we usually sleep. The moment she feels me below her, her hands wrap around me. I lie down, careful not to wake Adrian up and close my eyes as sleep invites me.

(Amelia's Point of View.)

I wake up and rub my eyes, I get off Ethan and start to make my way to the kitchen. God, I need to complete hell a lot of homework today. I see Mary and Jullie in the kitchen, I guess they're making breakfast. "Moring." I mumble as I take a seat on one of the counter chairs. "Good morning sweetie. How are you?" Jullie asks me. "I am good. Thanks for asking." I smile at her. She returns my smile and places a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Ooh yummy!" I squeal in happiness as I take a fork from the cutlery stand.

Before I can take a bite of my pancake, one of them is snacthed off my plate. "Ethan!" I yell, turning my head back. Ethan stands behind me with an evil smirk as he eats my precious pancake in one bite. "You better have a dead wish." I say through gritted teeth. "Oh and why is that?" He says talking small steps back. "Oh cause you're dead." I say as I jump off my chair, the moment I do Ethan runs and I run behind him. "Just let me get my hands on you." I say as Ethan stands behind the couch. We both move around the couch, Ethan still has that smirk on his face while I give me a cold glare. How dare he steal my food?! I jump up the couch and jump onto Ethan. The sudden impact sends both me and him onto the ground. Luckily I land on top of him. I sit on his stomach as I begin slapping and punching his chest. "Ow. Geez women! Stop." He says as I continue to punch and slap him. "Mom! Amelia is abusing me!" Ethan yells when I don't stop. I gasp and start hitting him harder. "Kids these days." I hear Jullie sigh. "I swear Ethan you take my food one more time and you will die! Am I clear?" I say as I narrow my eyes at him. "Nah. You won't kill me Amelia. You love me too much to do so." He smirked.

Only if you knew....

What the hell? I don't love him...yet. Shut up brain. "Whatever." I grumble as I get off him. I go back to the counter table and start eating my pancakes in peace. 

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