Chapter 6

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(Ethan's Point of View)

I was at Valentina's house. Her parents were out of town for a business trip. We were in her room... doing things. Suddenly my phone rings. I hear Valentina groan in annoyance. I sigh and sit up straight and answer the phone. "Hello?" I answer, putting my shirt back on. "Hey. It's Andrew. I just called to tell you that Amelia was looking for you." Oh shit. I had gotten so carried away I forgot about her. "Oh ok. Thanks for telling me." I tell before hanging up. "What's wrong babe?" Valentina purrs from besides me. "Nothing. Listen I uh have to go." I say. "Oh. Okay then. I will see you at school on Monday." She said as I put my pants back on.

I take my phone and go outside her house. I take my phone out and look for Amelia's number. I had saved it the day she gave it to me in bio class. After a few rings I hear her soft voice question "Hello?". "Hey! This is Ethan. Look I am sorry for leaving you at the party. Just wait there for a second. I will come to pick you up and drop you home." I say. Gosh is she gonna be mad? I hope not. I mean I am the reason she went to the party. It wasn't really kind of me to just leave her. "Oh. No, it's fine, I walked all the way home. You don't need to drop me. Plus there is nothing to be sorry about. You never said anything about dropping me, you just took me there. Anyways thank you." She said. Wow, here I thought she would be mad at me but she is not. She really is something else. Any other girl would have killed me for leaving them. "Oh. Well I guess I will see you tomorrow I guess." I mumble.

There was something different about Amelia, something that made her her. Sure she could be weird and annoying sometimes. She could be sassy and kind at the same time. There was also this look of hurt in her eyes all the time, she doesn't notice it, but anyone who pays close attention could see it. I have no idea why the hurt is in her eyes, but for some reason I want to know, I want to get close to her. Her smile is one of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen, her real smiles not the fake ones she gives. It's hard to get real smiles out of her, she doesn't seem to know that, but when she gives them it is amazing, like a lifetime opportunity. I don't think she realizes how many fake smiles she gives. But it's quite a lot. I don't know much about her, I just know a few things, like her grandma's condition and how she is smart and other stuff. That day when I brought up the topic about her family she seemed to have tense up. I let it go from there. I have really tried figuring out this girl. But it seems impossible. I wanna know why she has no friends. I wanna know what about her family is so messed up. I wanna know why she is so closed up. I wanna know what the cause of that pain in her eyes is. God, this girl is driving me crazy.

Knowing that I probably look like a freak standing in the same position for so long, I make my way towards my car. I will probably just go home. I unlock my car and get in. I start the ignition and drive.

After a few minutes or so I reach home. It's not early in the morning so I doubt grandma is up, so I can probably just sneak in with the extra key I have in my car. I park my car and look for the key I keep in here. I finally find it and get out of my car. I unlock the door and step into the house. I went up and was about to pass Amelia's room, when I heard a few voices from inside. I know it's not good to eavesdrop but I am curious.

So I press my ear against the door. "Why did dad pay for your hospital bills?" I hear Amelia ask. "We couldn't afford them. We had tried but we couldn't. Your mom had someone manage to contact him and she threatened him if he didnt help us financially she would expose you to the public. Jackson didn't want the public to know he had a daughter, so he agreed." I hear Amelia's grandma, Margaret, say. "What do you mean by 'daughter'?" Amelia asks. "H-he never wanted a daughter. He wanted sons, who could manage his company. He always thought girls were weak. He was embarrassed to be your dad." I hear Magaret say, her voice breaks in the end.

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