Chapter 31

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Long Chapter Alert! Anyways hope you like it and make sure to vote and comment! 

- Your Dear Author. :>

(Amelia's Point of View)

"He never loved her." I say again. "What?" He asks with a confused expression. "My dad... He never loved my mom." I mumble. "What?" He says again. I sigh before looking at my lap. "He was in love with Leslie, had been ever since highschool. Turns out my mom somehow resembled Leslie in some ways and he thought he loved my mom. But he didn't, he was in love with Leslie. He only realized that he was not truly in love with her when he met Leslie again. Then they had kids.. Yada yada their happy ending while my mom is still living because she loves my so called father and has some hope that he still loves her. She doesn't know the truth..." I trail off. "Wow... That's messed up." He mumbles.

"Tell me something I don't know." I mumble as I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. "I want to go home and curl up in a ball, wrap myself in blankets and just cry for some reason." I sigh. "Makes sense. This month has been quite overwhelming for you." He says as he rubs my back. "Tell me something I don't know." I sigh at the feeling of his hand rubbing soothingly on my back. "Hey on the bright side Christmas is coming soon!" He says trying to get me excited. "Mhm." I mumble and then sleep takes over me.

I suddenly feel one arm go on my back while the other under my knees. My head drops onto their shoulder and on instinct my hands wrap around the person's neck. I am suddenly hit with a familiar scent and I know it's him so I snuggle closer into him causing him to chuckle lightly. I felt him walk up the stairs but I kept my eyes closed, my legs too exhausted to walk.

I felt him kick open his room door with his foot before placing me on the bed. He started removing my- well Madison's- boots and then I felt him get on the bed beside me. "Baby I know you're awake and you have to change." He says softly. I whined in protest before wrapping my arms around him and stuffing my face in his chest. "Lia." I hear him say in a warning voice. "Ethan." I say back. "Baby come on dont make this hard. We both can change and then sleep in peace." He says.

"Fine." I grumbled angrily. He chuckles before getting up with me still clinging onto him like a koala. He doesn't say anything and gets up with me as if I weigh nothing and I wrap my legs around his waist to avoid falling as he walks to his closet.

He opens it and takes his grey joggers out before taking out a black hoodie for me. "Okay now we need to change." He says as he tries to put me down. I whine and pull closer to him. "You're warm." I mumble into his neck. "Lia, change and then I am all yours." He says and I whine again but obey and get down. I go to the bathroom to change, while he does in the room. I remove my dress, toss it into the laundry basket before standing in front of the mirror and washing my face, using the makeup removing wipes I left in his bathroom and put the hoodie on. The hoodie is way longer on me then his usual hoodies and reaches till about my knees.

Satisfied and tired I walk out and find Ethan on his bed scrolling through his phone. The sound of his bathroom door clicking shut makes him look up at me. Once he sees me he grins and opens his arms for me and I go in his embrace. I lie on top of him, my body in between his legs as he hugs my waist and his head on top of mine.

"I love you." I hear him whisper. "I love you too." I say and look up at him. He smiles down softly and pecks me on my lips before the both of us fall asleep.


Days passed by quickly. School break took place, Christmas took place and everything seemed to be happening too fast for my liking. One week before Christmas Madison and I went shopping. We all got gifts for everyone. For Ethan's gift I had to contact my father, it wasn't the smartest discussion but I did. I got him a jersey signed by one of his favourite footballers, my dad got it for me technically but I paid him even though he told me not to. I also sent him and his family a christmas gift hamper. Ethan loved his gift so it was a win-win situation. Ethan got me a book charm for my charm bracelet, the one my grandma gave me. Overall Christmas was okay, but all I could think of was how my mom might be alone celebrating Christmas.

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