Chapter 41

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Hey guys! Here is chapter 41! Not to long, but I hope you like it. Make sure to vote and comment!


(Amelia's Point of View)

"Hey you are gonna do great!" I say as I rub Ethan's hand.

"Are you sure? What if I miss a catch? Or what if I-" He starts saying as he clutches my hand tightly.

"You won't. You play great all the time." I say with a little smile on my face.

You may be wondering what is happening? So let me fill you in, we were at Ethan's last game of the school year. And he was having pre-game anxiety, which is completely normal if you ask me. So here we are, sitting on the bleachers just a few minutes before his game, me sitting sideways on his lap, my legs dangling in between him as one of his arms are curled around my waist, the other intertwined with my hand.

"Really. But what if-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his.

He immediately kisses me back, pulling me closer to him and I feel his muscles relax. I pull away after a few seconds and I see him open his eyes. He seems calmer than before.

"The things love does to you." I hear Chase sigh. I furrow my eyebrows and look at Chase. "Oh, before you, Ethan here used to punch two lockers to reduce his pregame anxiety most times. Now look at him now, kissing his girlfriend and acting all lovey dovey." Chase smirked.

"Oh shut up." Etha grumbled as he put his face on my shoulder. I picked up our intertwined hands and placed a small kiss on the back of his hand. "You will do great. I know it." I say.

He is extra nervous right now. Maybe because it's the last game of the season and their coach wants them to do extra good for some scholarships for people who didn't get some yet. Ethan being team captain has to make sure the team wins and try his level best to have a good game plan.

"Thank you." Ethan says just as the coach starts calling all the team members for a 'pep talk'. "I love you." He says and pecks my lips. "I love you too." I smile as he lifts me off his lap and sets me on the seat.

"Also I love your shirt. But can't wait to take it off of you tonight." He whispers huskily in my ear before running off with his teammates, leaving me red faced. I look down at the shirt I am wearing which happens to be his spare jersey, which is huge on me. His last name is on my back in big bold letters.

I feel someone sit beside me and I turn to see Madison sitting next to me. "Where is Lucas?" I ask her. "How am I supposed to know?" She mumbles and by the look in her eyes I know something is wrong.

"What is wrong? Did something happen?" I ask. She looks at me and groans. "Yes yes it did. Lucas is bloody confusing. After we kissed he doesn't even look at me. Today I managed to get him to talk to me, and what did he say. I am sorry it was a in the moment thing. And then he leaves and ignores me again. And what makes it hard was he showed signs of liking me. Was he leading me on?" She groans.

My eyebrows furrowed at that. He ignored her and then told her it was a mistake... God that was a jerk move. "I just don't get it. Boys are so confusing." She whines. "Hey, it's fine. If it helps I will talk to him later?" I ask. "You will?" She asks, her eyes brightening up and I nod. She squeals and hugs me, just as the game begins.


Ethan's team won. I see all his teammates run to the middle of the field and throw their helmets off as they jump in victory. I squeal happily and stand up, clapping my hands along with the crowd.

Ethan's eyes scan through the crowd until they land on me. He grins at me, and gestures for me to come towards him. I smile back at him before walking down the bleachers and walking towards him.

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